Releases: diadoc/diadocsdk-csharp
Add new method GetCounteragentEvents()
This release adds functionality to work with counetragent groups and extends current Counteragent and OrganizationWithCounteragentStatus contracts with CounteragentGroupId info.
Информация о технологическом решении партнёра
Добавлен способ указания информации о технологическом решении партнёра. Документация
Add UniversalSigner contracts and extension ExtendedSignerDetails
Add UniversalSigner.xsd and ON_NSCHFDOPPR_SignerUserContract_970_05_02_xx.xsd
Add new enums in DocumentTitleType Utd970Seller (12) and Utd970Buyer (13) for ExtendedSignerDetails
Add new enums in SignerType/SignerPowers/SignerStatus for ExtendedSignerDetails
Power of attorney in document content
This release extends contracts to allow working with powers of attorney sent in formalized document content
Добавил отдельный User-Agent для COM SDK
versions/2.14.4 Устанавливаем отдельный специальный User-Agent при запросах из COM SD…
Add AuthorUserId and move document entity
This release adds MoveDocument entity and AuthorUserId to entity in GetEvent group of api methods.
Add permissions to Power of Attorney
Add permissions to Power of Attorney
Publish 2.14.0 using new nuget apikey
There are no code changes in this patch release. Please refer to the 2.14.0 release for the changes between 2.13.0 ... 2.14.1.