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Releases: diadoc/diadocsdk-csharp

Added new fields to the CertificateInfoV2 contract

07 Aug 13:50
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Updated Models:

  • CertificateInfoV2: Added optional DssCertificateType field that describes the type of Dss certificate

  • CertificateInfoV2: Added repeated DssCertificateType field that corresponds to the value of the certificate type and can take the value [TokenUsage, DssUsage] if the certificate is iron, but it can be used as a mobile

Add EventTypes to BoxCounteragentEvent

09 Jul 09:01
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Merge pull request #1138 from diadoc/ddcore-8608-add-event-types-to-b…

Update utd970 first title

09 Jul 07:15
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Update utd970 first title to newest version

Extended COM objects with PowerOfAttorneyAttachmentStatus

04 Jul 19:41
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Updated COM-interfaces of SignatureV3, Entity and COM-enum PowerOfAttorneyValidationStatusNamedId in coordinance with release 2.19.1.

Extended SignatureInfo for COM

04 Jul 09:39
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This release extends SignatureInfo with CertificateSubjectType (values: UnknownCertificateSubjectType, LegalEntity, IndividualEntity, PhysicalPerson) for COM integrations.

Extended SignatureInfo

03 Jul 09:05
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This release extends SignatureInfo with CertificateSubjectType (values: UnknownCertificateSubjectType, LegalEntity, IndividualEntity, PhysicalPerson).

Added new methods for working with organizations and counteragents using box IDs instead of org IDs

27 Jun 12:01
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This release extend existing contracts and introduces new methods to work with organizations and counteragents.

Updated Models:

  • AcquireCounteragentRequest: Added optional BoxId field

New Models:

  • AcquireCounteragentResultV2: Response container for new method AcquireCounteragentResultV2(Async).

New Methods:

  • GetCounteragentV3(Async): Returns the сounteragent. The principle is similar to the GetCounteragent, but uses the box IDs instead of org IDs.
  • GetCounteragentsV3(Async): Returns the сounteragents list. The principle is similar to the GetCounteragents, but uses the box ID instead of org ID.
  • GetCounteragentCertificatesV2(Async): Returns the сounteragent's certificates. The principle is similar to the GetCounteragentCertificates, but uses the box IDs instead of org IDs.
  • BreakWithCounteragentV2(Async): Severs communication with сounteragent. The principle is similar to the BreakWithCounteragent, but uses the box IDs instead of org IDs.
  • AcquireCounteragentV3(Async): Sends the counteragent an invitation to partner relations. The principle is similar to the AcquireCounteragent, but uses the box IDs instead of org IDs.
  • WaitAcquireCounteragentResultV2(Async): Returns the box ID of the invited organization in the AcquireCounteragentResultV2 model. The principle is similar to the WaitAcquireCounteragentResult, but returns the box ID instead of org ID.
  • GetOrganizationUsersV2(Async): Returns a list of all users of the organization. The principle is similar to the GetOrganizationUsers, but uses the box ID instead of org ID.

Extended PowerOfAttorneyValidationStatusNamedId and added PowerOfAttorneyAttachmentStatus

27 Jun 10:06
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This release provides an ability to detect whether a signature requires a power of attorney. This could be the case if the document is signed with a physical entity signature and a power of attorney is not attached.

Updated models:

  • SignatureV3 : added PowerOfAttorneyAttachmentStatus field to display whether a power of attorney attached or should be attached to the signature.
  • Entity : added PowerOfAttorneyAttachmentStatus field to display whether a power of attorney attached or should be attached to the signature. Only applicable to EntityType.Signature.
  • PowerOfAttorneyValidationStatusNamedId: added IsNotAttached status that specifies that the signature requires a power of attorney.

New models:

  • PowerOfAttorneyAttachmentStatus : The status describing whether a power of attorney is attached or should be attached. Includes StatusName (Unknown, PowerOfAttorneyAttached, PowerOfAttorneyNotRequired, PowerOfAttorneyRequired) and optional Comment.

Add field OtherInformation to RussianAddress

26 Jun 07:47
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Merge pull request #1135 from diadoc/ddcore-8546-add-other-informatio…

Add user contracts for new universal transfer document version

25 Apr 16:18
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This release adds user contracts for UniversalTransferDocument of 970 version.

New models:

  • ON_NSCHFDOPPR_UserContract_970_05_02_01: user contract for sender title;
  • ON_NSCHFDOPPOK_UserContract_970_05_02_01 : user contract for recipient title.