Web IFC Viewer is an online platform which allows users to load and view IFC files. User can:
- Paste a link of IFC file
- Upload IFC file from local computer
- Play around with an example
- Live Details of IFC element on mouse hover
- See the list of all element types in the IFC
- See through IFC model by turning particular element type ON/OFF
- Click on the IFC element type to see details
- Extract element tree structure of IFC model
- Hover on the tree element to highlight that part in model
- Get metadata details about IFC file
- Control Panel to control the view
- Reset or Exit the Viewer itself.
- Go fullscreen
- Search anything in the model including IFC element type, express id, property name or value
Web IFC Viewer is a lightweight IFC viewer based on the basic concepts of 3D calculation. It uses the open source Web 3D library Three.js and Web IFC loader of web-ifc-three
The Search functionality, however, is currently totally dependent on browser, hence it might freeze the screen until the result of the search arrives. USE IT CAREFULLY!
Web IFC Viewer/Renderer uses a number of open source projects to work properly: