Releases: dhis2/data-visualizer-app
Releases · dhis2/data-visualizer-app
33.0.0 (2020-02-12)
Bug Fixes
- @dhis2/analytics 2.6.11 (#448) (231bcd8)
- added icons to tooltip for warning and locked (#447) (26a95e8)
- added lint, commit message and test commit/push hooks (#526) (0292a63)
- adjust options dialog for easier scanning (#580) (b0393ff)
- assigned categories and new dimension types (#576) (2faae50)
- avoid infinite loading and make chart plugin use hooks (DHIS2-8290) (#653) (9de60dd)
- avoid React warning about required proptype (#311) (5dda862)
- changed height to min-height for the axes area (#361) (8c0ed13)
- changed incorrect prop types and tests (#372) (c96ac09)
- chip cursor (#566) (8701256)
- convert numeric options to strings to silence ui-core warnings (#617) (c3fe18d)
- correctly set showDimensionLabels option (#621) (01427ac)
- d2-ui-analytics 1.0.2 (#277) (62241f8)
- dashboard items resize should trigger chart reload (#282) (86070ae)
- dimension dialog update validation (#486) (429c51e)
- dimensions panel divided in to sections (#581) (3a9627a)
- do not run default adapter for pivot tables (#616) (27d8ab7)
- don't render pivot table before data has loaded (#635) (844d989)
- download menu options for PT (#624) (c131970)
- dynamic axis names based on vis type (#623) (24510e0)
- equal padding for the AO title bar (#567) (17238ed)
- Fetching analytics for analytical object with undefined aggregationType in plugin (#232) (bfe41b4)
- Fetching analytics for year over year charts in plugin (#231) (16853ef)
- fix prop type for value in SortOrder option component (#568) (8379621)
- fix styling issues in options (#585) (d4c5bc6)
- fix values for topLimit option (#579) (3d249a6)
- fixes for DND between axes (#554) (886de23)
- fixes for options with numeric values and toggleable Select (#583) (8a40296)
- gauge now follows the behaviour of single value instead of pie (#489) (9969e61)
- gauge plot lines and range values in options (#654) (7736b29)
- i18n merge conflict (ac8c383)
- impl max dims rule (#517) (241de69)
- implemented the error code for assigned categories (#557) (7b9f52b)
- layout for pivot tables (#577) (033be21)
- loading spinner for plugins (DHIS2-8117) (#587) (f8be30b)
- locked dims not array (#491) (15ae8a8)
- long names for dimensions, chip and tooltip (DHIS2-7932) (#556) (2212398)
- manifest credentials bug in chrome (#233) (a0032e0)
- map is not vis type (#371) (22c36e2)
- merge conflicts (3eb1c77)
- only point series to axes for certain types (#264) (24b6ac0)
- only run empty check after all values have been added (#627) (75b6ae4)
- open modal for empty dims (#625) (e07d786)
- options with numeric values (sortOrder) (#564) (94ad11d)
- org unit selector - only act on path if it exists (#276) (9299038)
- pie tooltip DHIS2-7532 (#330) (72eb5db)
- pin to analytics@2.6.11 (#495) ([5f21406](5f2...