Releases: dhis2/data-visualizer-app
Releases · dhis2/data-visualizer-app
35.0.0 (2020-05-28)
Bug Fixes
- Marked as a breaking change because we need to move to version 35 to follow the convention of major version matching DHIS2 version
- removed d2-analysis from plugin dependencies since it is not in use
- yarn-deduplicate
33.1.13 (2020-09-09)
Bug Fixes
- @dhis2/analytics@2.4.9 (8503ff5)
- add dataStatistics on vis load (#544) (ed98b53)
- added completedOnly to all vis types (#736) (7eb324d)
- Analytics v2.4.7 for long dimension names DHIS2-7932 (#555) (81bb003)
- avoid React warning about required proptype (#311) (5dda862)
- backport latest single value fixes in master (#322) (ab968a0), closes #317 #313 #318 #319 #320 #321
- changed height to min-height for the axes area (#361) (#365) (6cf0618)
- d2-ui-analytics 1.0.2 (#277) (62241f8)
- dashboard items resize should trigger chart reload (#282) (86070ae)
- display 'and x others...' on tooltip (DHIS2-8753) v33 backport (#927) (dd62dbb), closes #925
- epi curve (v33) (#523) (8cad064)
- Fetching analytics for analytical object with undefined aggregationType in plugin (#232) (bfe41b4)
- Fetching analytics for year over year charts in plugin (#231) (16853ef)
- latest analytics library for period selector translations (v33) (#982) (ee9a1b0)
- manifest credentials bug in chrome (#233) (a0032e0)
- only point series to axes for certain types (#264) (24b6ac0)
- only run empty check after all values have been added (#628) (e0fedd9)
- org unit selector - only act on path if it exists (#276) (9299038)
- pie tooltip DHIS2-7532 (#330) (#331) (f0fc9a5)
- remove api.baseUrl duplicate (#570) (42338c1)
- remove colon from chip if no selection (#312) (e667134)
- return actual translation strings in default metadata [v33] (#976) (461a56f)
- translations need to be determined at render time [v33] [DHIS2-8638] (#967) (85d1222)
- update analytics and plugin dep (#324) (#326) (51da064)
- update charts api dep (#297) (ab13e1c)
- update gradient colors check (#261) (b39cec2)
- viewport layout with visible interpretations panel (#323) (#325) (725009c)
- dual axis support (#239) (a50075c)
- summarize chart filters that have orgunit levels and/or groups (#298) (e5e0a7b)