just check the rules double click index.html & start playing 😃
- Rules of the Game
- Requirements
- Resources used
- Contact us
There are eight pairs of cards on the panel
when yop clicke the card it flips & shows its icon.
On clicking another card it flips:
- If the 2nd card icon matches with the first one then both cards gets locked & turns blue.
- Else the unmatched cards flipp back to their initial state.
Every two card flips is considere as one move.
Your objective is to open all the cards using your memory in as less time and as less numer of steps as possible.
The star rating depends upon the number of moves
No of Moves No. of Stars
1-12 3
13-18 2
>18 1
- After all pairs have been matched, you get a congratulations message showing no of moves & time taken to complete the game.
- It runs on any modern web browser.
- It needs internet connection to get required javascript,css & font files and run properly
- To run the game double click index.html
- For further explaination and technicalities i can be contacted at dhirendrapratapsingh398@gmail.com.