We have around 51,000 Female Community Health Workers (FCHW) in Nepal (2020), who are local women contributing to Maternal and Child Health care and services. Majority of health problems in Nepal, particularly in the rural communities, are related to the health of women and children coupled with a lack of human resources in the health sector.
- For high risk situations, experts and doctors are required but there is lack of doctors in rural and low resource areas of Nepal.
- FCHW still use paper form to document their progress and patients’ records.
- It is hard to keep track of the upcoming events.
- It has been a major problem to show actual authentic documentation to government for FCHW to get paid accordance to their hardwork.
- Help connect FCHW to expert doctors, when in high risk situations or unique cases are found for which FCHW isn’t aware of.
- Record data digitally insead of the paper format.
- Display of reports by FCHW to government to get paid accordingly.
- AI Generated Report that assists health workers to indicate high risk cases.
- Easy to use UI / interface for Female Community Health Workers to use.
- The service will be in both Nepali and English language for ease of use.
- Medical data are sensitive, so blockchain technology will be used for security.
- Tasks Notification that alerts the tasks deadline and calender.
- Minimal interaction with doctor and automatic feedback system.