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extend signatures to record pre and post when required
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crusso committed Dec 20, 2024
1 parent 2b860e0 commit c8b6798
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Showing 10 changed files with 138 additions and 63 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/md/examples/grammar.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -336,5 +336,6 @@
<prog> ::=
<list(<imp>, ';')> <list(<dec>, ';')>

<list(<typ_dec>, ';')> 'actor' '(' '{' <list(<stab_field>, ';')> '}' ',' '{' <list(<stab_field>, ';')> '}' ')'

34 changes: 22 additions & 12 deletions src/lowering/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ and build_actor at ts exp_opt self_id es obj_typ =
let pairs = List.map2 stabilize stabs ds in
let idss = fst pairs in
let ids = List.concat idss in
let sig_ = List.sort T.compare_field
let sig_post = List.sort T.compare_field
( (fun (i,t) -> T.{lab = i; typ = t; src = empty_src}) ids)
let fields = (fun (i,t) -> T.{lab = i; typ = T.Opt (T.as_immut t); src = T.empty_src}) ids in
Expand All @@ -550,30 +550,40 @@ and build_actor at ts exp_opt self_id es obj_typ =
let state = fresh_var "state" (T.Mut (T.Opt ty)) in
let get_state = fresh_var "getState" (T.Func(T.Local, T.Returns, [], [], [ty])) in
let ds = (fun mk_d -> mk_d get_state) mk_ds in
let stable_type, migration = match exp_opt with
let sig_, stable_type, migration = match exp_opt with
| None ->
T.Single sig_post,
I.{pre = ty; post = ty},
primE (I.ICStableRead ty) [] (* as before *)
| Some exp0 ->
let e = exp exp0 in
let [@warning "-8"] (_s,_c, [], [dom], [rng]) = T.as_func (exp0.note.S.note_typ) in
let [@warning "-8"] (T.Object, dom_fields) = T.as_obj dom in
let [@warning "-8"] (T.Object, rng_fields) = T.as_obj rng in
let sig_pre =
List.sort T.compare_field
(dom_fields @
(fun (i,t) ->
match T.lookup_val_field_opt i dom_fields with
| Some t ->
(* ignore overriden *)
| None ->
(* retain others *)
Some T.{lab = i; typ = t; src = T.empty_src}) ids))
let fields' =
(fun (i,t) ->
T.{lab = i; typ = T.Opt (T.as_immut t); src = T.empty_src})
(( (fun T.{lab;typ;_} -> (lab,typ)) dom_fields) @
(fun (i,t) ->
match T.lookup_val_field_opt i dom_fields with
| Some t -> None (* ignore overriden *)
| None -> Some (i, t) (* retain others *))
ids)) in
let ty' = T.Obj (T.Memory, List.sort T.compare_field fields') in
(fun tf ->
{ tf with T.typ = T.Opt (T.as_immut tf.T.typ) })
let ty' = T.Obj (T.Memory, fields') in
let v = fresh_var "v" ty' in
let v_dom = fresh_var "v_dom" dom in
let v_rng = fresh_var "v_rng" rng in
T.PrePost (sig_pre, sig_post),
I.{pre = ty'; post = ty},
ifE (primE (I.OtherPrim "rts_in_install") [])
(primE (I.ICStableRead ty) [])
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/mo_def/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,7 +235,11 @@ and prog' = dec list
(* Signatures (stable variables) *)

type stab_sig = (stab_sig', prog_note) Source.annotated_phrase
and stab_sig' = (dec list * typ_field list) (* type declarations & stable actor fields *)
and stab_sig' = (dec list * stab_body) (* type declarations & stable actor fields *)
and stab_body = stab_body' Source.phrase (* type declarations & stable actor fields *)
and stab_body' =
| Single of typ_field list
| PrePost of typ_field list * typ_field list

(* Compilation units *)

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17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion src/mo_frontend/parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -997,7 +997,22 @@ stab_field :
parse_stab_sig :
| start ds=seplist(typ_dec, semicolon) ACTOR LCURLY sfs=seplist(stab_field, semicolon) RCURLY
{ let trivia = !triv_table in
fun filename -> { it = (ds, sfs); at = at $sloc; note = { filename; trivia }}
let sigs = Single sfs in
fun filename -> {
it = (ds, {it=sigs; at = at $sloc; note = ()});
at = at $sloc;
note =
{ filename; trivia }}
| start ds=seplist(typ_dec, semicolon)
ACTOR LPAR LCURLY sfs_pre=seplist(stab_field, semicolon) RCURLY COMMA
LCURLY sfs_post=seplist(stab_field, semicolon) RCURLY RPAR
{ let trivia = !triv_table in
let sigs = PrePost(sfs_pre, sfs_post) in (* FIX ME*)
fun filename -> {
it = (ds, {it=sigs; at = at $sloc; note = ()});
at = at $sloc;
note = { filename; trivia }}

18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions src/mo_frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,16 +31,18 @@ let error_sub s tf1 tf2 =

(* Relaxed rules with enhanced orthogonal persistence for more flexible upgrades.
- Mutability of stable fields can be changed because they are never aliased.
- Stable fields can be dropped, however, with a warning of potential data loss.
- Stable fields can be dropped, however, with a warning of potential data loss.
For this, we give up the transitivity property of upgrades.
Upgrade transitivity means that an upgrade from a program A to B and then from B to C
should have the same effect as directly upgrading from A to C. If B discards a field
and C re-adds it, this transitivity is no longer maintained. However, rigorous upgrade
Upgrade transitivity means that an upgrade from a program A to B and then from B to C
should have the same effect as directly upgrading from A to C. If B discards a field
and C re-adds it, this transitivity is no longer maintained. However, rigorous upgrade
transitivity was also not guaranteed before, since B may contain initialization logic
or pre-/post-upgrade hooks that alter the stable data.
let match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2 : unit Diag.result =
let match_stab_sig sig1 sig2 : unit Diag.result =
let tfs1 = post sig1 in
let tfs2 = pre sig2 in
(* Assume that tfs1 and tfs2 are sorted. *)
let res = Diag.with_message_store (fun s ->
let rec go tfs1 tfs2 = match tfs1, tfs2 with
Expand All @@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ let match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2 : unit Diag.result =
| -1 ->
(* dropped field is allowed with warning, recurse on tfs1' *)
warning_discard s tf1;
go tfs1' tfs2
go tfs1' tfs2
| _ ->
go tfs1 tfs2' (* new field ok, recurse on tfs2' *)
Expand All @@ -68,8 +70,8 @@ let match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2 : unit Diag.result =
(* cross check with simpler definition *)
match res with
| Ok _ ->
assert (Type.match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2);
assert (Type.match_stab_sig sig1 sig2);
| Error _ ->
assert (not (Type.match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2));
assert (not (Type.match_stab_sig sig1 sig2));
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/mo_frontend/stability.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ open Mo_types
c.f. (simpler) Types.match_sig.

val match_stab_sig : Type.field list -> Type.field list -> unit Diag.result
val match_stab_sig : Type.stab_sig -> Type.stab_sig -> unit Diag.result
48 changes: 27 additions & 21 deletions src/mo_frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3214,33 +3214,39 @@ let check_lib scope pkg_opt lib : Scope.t Diag.result =
) lib

let check_stab_sig scope sig_ : (T.field list) Diag.result =
let check_stab_sig scope sig_ : T.stab_sig Diag.result =
(fun msgs ->
(fun (decs, sfs) ->
let env = env_of_scope msgs scope in
let scope = infer_block_decs env decs in
let env1 = adjoin env scope in
check_ids env "object type" "field"
(List.filter_map (fun (field : typ_field) ->
match with ValF (id, _, _) -> Some id | _ -> None)
check_ids env "object type" "type field"
(List.filter_map (fun (field : typ_field) ->
match with TypF (id, _, _) -> Some id | _ -> None)
let _ = (check_typ_field {env1 with pre = true} T.Object) sfs in
let fs = (check_typ_field {env1 with pre = false} T.Object) sfs in
List.iter (fun (field : Syntax.typ_field) ->
match with
| TypF _ -> ()
| ValF (id, typ, _) ->
if not (T.stable typ.note) then
error env "M0131" "variable %s is declared stable but has non-stable type%a"
display_typ typ.note)
List.sort T.compare_field fs
let check_fields sfs =
check_ids env "object type" "field"
(List.filter_map (fun (field : typ_field) ->
match with ValF (id, _, _) -> Some id | _ -> None)
check_ids env "object type" "type field"
(List.filter_map (fun (field : typ_field) ->
match with TypF (id, _, _) -> Some id | _ -> None)
let _ = (check_typ_field {env1 with pre = true} T.Object) sfs in
let fs = (check_typ_field {env1 with pre = false} T.Object) sfs in
List.iter (fun (field : Syntax.typ_field) ->
match with
| TypF _ -> ()
| ValF (id, typ, _) ->
if not (T.stable typ.note) then
error env "M0131" "variable %s is declared stable but has non-stable type%a"
display_typ typ.note)
List.sort T.compare_field fs
match with
| Single sfs -> T.Single (check_fields sfs)
| PrePost (pre,post) ->
T.PrePost (check_fields pre, check_fields post)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/mo_frontend/typing.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ val infer_prog : ?viper_mode:bool -> scope -> string option -> Async_cap.async_c

val check_lib : scope -> string option -> Syntax.lib -> scope Diag.result
val check_actors : ?viper_mode:bool -> ?check_actors:bool -> scope -> Syntax.prog list -> unit Diag.result
val check_stab_sig : scope -> Syntax.stab_sig -> (field list) Diag.result
val check_stab_sig : scope -> Syntax.stab_sig -> Type.stab_sig Diag.result

val heartbeat_type : typ
62 changes: 46 additions & 16 deletions src/mo_types/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ and kind =

let empty_src = {depr = None; region = Source.no_region}

(* Stable signatures *)
type stab_sig =
| Single of field list
| PrePost of field list * field list

(* Efficient comparison *)
let tag_prim = function
| Null -> 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1754,11 +1759,15 @@ and pp_kind ppf k =
pp_kind' vs ppf k

and pp_stab_sig ppf sig_ =
let all_fields = match sig_ with
| Single tfs -> tfs
| PrePost (pre, post) -> pre @ post
let cs = List.fold_right
(cons_field false)
(* false here ^ means ignore unreferenced Typ c components
that would produce unreferenced bindings when unfolded *)
sig_ ConSet.empty in
all_fields ConSet.empty in
let vs = vs_of_cs cs in
let ds =
let cs' = ConSet.filter (fun c ->
Expand All @@ -1776,15 +1785,22 @@ and pp_stab_sig ppf sig_ =
typ = Typ c;
src = empty_src }) ds)
let pp_stab_fields ppf sig_ =
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s{@;<0 0>%a@;<0 -2>}@]"
(string_of_obj_sort Actor)
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:semi (pp_stab_field vs)) sig_
let pp_stab_actor ppf sig_ =
match sig_ with
| Single tfs ->
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s{@;<0 0>%a@;<0 -2>}@]"
(string_of_obj_sort Actor)
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:semi (pp_stab_field vs)) tfs
| PrePost (pre, post) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s({@;<0 0>%a@;<0 -2>}, {@;<0 0>%a@;<0 -2>} @]"
(string_of_obj_sort Actor)
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:semi (pp_stab_field vs)) pre
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:semi (pp_stab_field vs)) post
fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a%a%a;@]"
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:semi (pp_field vs)) fs
(if fs = [] then fun ppf () -> () else semi) ()
pp_stab_fields sig_
fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a%a%a;@]"
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:semi (pp_field vs)) fs
(if fs = [] then fun ppf () -> () else semi) ()
pp_stab_actor sig_

let rec pp_typ_expand' vs ppf t =
match t with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1850,7 +1866,20 @@ let _ = str := string_of_typ

(* Stable signatures *)

let rec match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2 =
let pre = function
| Single tfs -> tfs
| PrePost (tfs, _) -> tfs

let post = function
| Single tfs -> tfs
| PrePost (_, tfs) -> tfs

let rec match_stab_sig sig1 sig2 =
let tfs1 = post sig1 in
let tfs2 = pre sig2 in
match_stab_fields tfs1 tfs2

and match_stab_fields tfs1 tfs2 =
(* Assume that tfs1 and tfs2 are sorted. *)
match tfs1, tfs2 with
| [], _ | _, [] ->
Expand All @@ -1860,16 +1889,17 @@ let rec match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2 =
(match compare_field tf1 tf2 with
| 0 ->
sub (as_immut tf1.typ) (as_immut tf2.typ) &&
match_stab_sig tfs1' tfs2'
match_stab_fields tfs1' tfs2'
| -1 ->
(* dropped field ok *)
match_stab_sig tfs1' tfs2
match_stab_fields tfs1' tfs2
| _ ->
(* new field ok *)
match_stab_sig tfs1 tfs2'
match_stab_fields tfs1 tfs2'

let string_of_stab_sig fields : string =
let string_of_stab_sig stab_sig : string =
let module Pretty = MakePretty(ParseableStamps) in
"// Version: 1.0.0\n" ^
Format.asprintf "@[<v 0>%a@]@\n" (fun ppf -> Pretty.pp_stab_sig ppf) fields
"// Version: 2.0\n" ^
Format.asprintf "@[<v 0>%a@]@\n" (fun ppf -> Pretty.pp_stab_sig ppf) stab_sig

11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions src/mo_types/type.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,9 +262,16 @@ val scope_bind : bind

(* Signatures *)

val match_stab_sig : field list -> field list -> bool
type stab_sig =
| Single of field list
| PrePost of field list * field list

val string_of_stab_sig : field list -> string
val pre : stab_sig -> field list
val post : stab_sig -> field list

val match_stab_sig : stab_sig -> stab_sig -> bool

val string_of_stab_sig : stab_sig -> string

val motoko_runtime_information_type : typ

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