Purely-functional, singly-linked lists.
A list of type List<T>
is either null
or an optional pair of a value of type T
and a tail, itself of type List<T>
To use this library, import it using:
import List "mo:base/List";
type List<T> = ?(T, List<T>)
func nil<T>() : List<T>
Create an empty list.
List.nil<Nat>() // => null
Runtime: O(1)
Space: O(1)
func isNil<T>(l : List<T>) : Bool
Check whether a list is empty and return true if the list is empty.
List.isNil<Nat>(null) // => true
Runtime: O(1)
Space: O(1)
func push<T>(x : T, l : List<T>) : List<T>
Add x
to the head of list
, and return the new list.
List.push<Nat>(0, null) // => ?(0, null);
Runtime: O(1)
Space: O(1)
func last<T>(l : List<T>) : ?T
Return the last element of the list, if present. Example:
List.last<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, null))) // => ?1
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(1)
func pop<T>(l : List<T>) : (?T, List<T>)
Remove the head of the list, returning the optioned head and the tail of the list in a pair.
Returns (null, null)
if the list is empty.
List.pop<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, null))) // => (?0, ?(1, null))
Runtime: O(1)
Space: O(1)
func size<T>(l : List<T>) : Nat
Return the length of the list.
List.size<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, null))) // => 2
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(1)
func get<T>(l : List<T>, n : Nat) : ?T
Access any item in a list, zero-based.
NOTE: Indexing into a list is a linear operation, and usually an indication that a list might not be the best data structure to use.
List.get<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, null)), 1) // => ?1
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(1)
func reverse<T>(l : List<T>) : List<T>
Reverses the list.
List.reverse<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null)))) // => ?(2, ?(1, ?(0, null)))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
func iterate<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> ())
Call the given function for its side effect, with each list element in turn.
var sum = 0;
List.iterate<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))), func n { sum += n });
sum // => 3
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func map<T, U>(l : List<T>, f : T -> U) : List<U>
Call the given function f
on each list element and collect the results
in a new list.
import Nat = "mo:base/Nat"
List.map<Nat, Text>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))), Nat.toText) // => ?("0", ?("1", ?("2", null))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func filter<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : List<T>
Create a new list with only those elements of the original list for which the given function (often called the predicate) returns true.
List.filter<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))), func n { n != 1 }) // => ?(0, ?(2, null))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
func partition<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : (List<T>, List<T>)
Create two new lists from the results of a given function (f
The first list only includes the elements for which the given
function f
returns true and the second list only includes
the elements for which the function returns false.
List.partition<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))), func n { n != 1 }) // => (?(0, ?(2, null)), ?(1, null))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func mapFilter<T, U>(l : List<T>, f : T -> ?U) : List<U>
Call the given function on each list element, and collect the non-null results in a new list.
List.mapFilter<Nat, Nat>(
?(1, ?(2, ?(3, null))),
func n {
if (n > 1) {
?(n * 2);
} else {
) // => ?(4, ?(6, null))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func mapResult<T, R, E>(xs : List<T>, f : T -> Result.Result<R, E>) : Result.Result<List<R>, E>
Maps a Result-returning function f
over a List and returns either
the first error or a list of successful values.
List.mapResult<Nat, Nat, Text>(
?(1, ?(2, ?(3, null))),
func n {
if (n > 0) {
#ok(n * 2);
} else {
#err("Some element is zero")
); // => #ok ?(2, ?(4, ?(6, null))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func append<T>(l : List<T>, m : List<T>) : List<T>
Append the elements from one list to another list.
?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))),
?(3, ?(4, ?(5, null)))
) // => ?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, ?(5, null))))))
Runtime: O(size(l))
Space: O(size(l))
func flatten<T>(l : List<List<T>>) : List<T>
Flatten, or concatenate, a list of lists as a list.
?(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))),
?(?(3, ?(4, ?(5, null))),
); // => ?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, ?(5, null))))))
Runtime: O(size*size)
Space: O(size*size)
func take<T>(l : List<T>, n : Nat) : List<T>
Returns the first n
elements of the given list.
If the given list has fewer than n
elements, this function returns
a copy of the full input list.
?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))),
); // => ?(0, ?(1, null))
Runtime: O(n)
Space: O(n)
func drop<T>(l : List<T>, n : Nat) : List<T>
Drop the first n
elements from the given list.
?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))),
); // => ?(2, null)
Runtime: O(n)
Space: O(1)
func foldLeft<T, S>(list : List<T>, base : S, combine : (S, T) -> S) : S
Collapses the elements in list
into a single value by starting with base
and progessively combining elements into base
with combine
. Iteration runs
left to right.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
List.foldLeft<Nat, Text>(
?(1, ?(2, ?(3, null))),
func (acc, x) { acc # Nat.toText(x)}
) // => "123"
Runtime: O(size(list))
Space: O(1) heap, O(1) stack
*Runtime and space assumes that combine
runs in O(1) time and space.
func foldRight<T, S>(list : List<T>, base : S, combine : (T, S) -> S) : S
Collapses the elements in buffer
into a single value by starting with base
and progessively combining elements into base
with combine
. Iteration runs
right to left.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
List.foldRight<Nat, Text>(
?(1, ?(2, ?(3, null))),
func (x, acc) { Nat.toText(x) # acc}
) // => "123"
Runtime: O(size(list))
Space: O(1) heap, O(size(list)) stack
*Runtime and space assumes that combine
runs in O(1) time and space.
func find<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : ?T
Return the first element for which the given predicate f
is true,
if such an element exists.
?(1, ?(2, ?(3, null))),
func n { n > 1 }
); // => ?2
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(1)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func some<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : Bool
Return true if there exists a list element for which
the given predicate f
is true.
?(1, ?(2, ?(3, null))),
func n { n > 1 }
) // => true
Runtime: O(size(list))
Space: O(1)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func all<T>(l : List<T>, f : T -> Bool) : Bool
Return true if the given predicate f
is true for all list
?(1, ?(2, ?(3, null))),
func n { n > 1 }
); // => false
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(1)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func merge<T>(l1 : List<T>, l2 : List<T>, lessThanOrEqual : (T, T) -> Bool) : List<T>
Merge two ordered lists into a single ordered list.
This function requires both list to be ordered as specified
by the given relation lessThanOrEqual
?(1, ?(2, ?(4, null))),
?(2, ?(4, ?(6, null))),
func (n1, n2) { n1 <= n2 }
); // => ?(1, ?(2, ?(2, ?(4, ?(4, ?(6, null))))))),
Runtime: O(size(l1) + size(l2))
Space: O(size(l1) + size(l2))
*Runtime and space assumes that lessThanOrEqual
runs in O(1) time and space.
func compare<T>(l1 : List<T>, l2 : List<T>, compare : (T, T) -> Order.Order) : Order.Order
Compare two lists using lexicographic ordering specified by argument function compare
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
?(1, ?(2, null)),
?(3, ?(4, null)),
) // => #less
Runtime: O(size(l1))
Space: O(1)
*Runtime and space assumes that argument compare
runs in O(1) time and space.
func equal<T>(l1 : List<T>, l2 : List<T>, equal : (T, T) -> Bool) : Bool
Compare two lists for equality using the argument function equal
to determine equality of their elements.
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
?(1, ?(2, null)),
?(3, ?(4, null)),
); // => false
Runtime: O(size(l1))
Space: O(1)
*Runtime and space assumes that argument equal
runs in O(1) time and space.
func tabulate<T>(n : Nat, f : Nat -> T) : List<T>
Generate a list based on a length and a function that maps from a list index to a list element.
func n { n * 2 }
) // => ?(0, ?(2, (?4, null)))
Runtime: O(n)
Space: O(n)
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func make<T>(x : T) : List<T>
Create a list with exactly one element.
) // => ?(0, null)
Runtime: O(1)
Space: O(1)
func replicate<T>(n : Nat, x : T) : List<T>
Create a list of the given length with the same value in each position.
) // => ?(0, ?(0, ?(0, null)))
Runtime: O(n)
Space: O(n)
func zip<T, U>(xs : List<T>, ys : List<U>) : List<(T, U)>
Create a list of pairs from a pair of lists.
If the given lists have different lengths, then the created list will have a length equal to the length of the smaller list.
List.zip<Nat, Text>(
?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))),
?("0", ?("1", null)),
) // => ?((0, "0"), ?((1, "1"), null))
Runtime: O(min(size(xs), size(ys)))
Space: O(min(size(xs), size(ys)))
func zipWith<T, U, V>(xs : List<T>, ys : List<U>, f : (T, U) -> V) : List<V>
Create a list in which elements are created by applying function f
to each pair (x, y)
of elements
occuring at the same position in list xs
and list ys
If the given lists have different lengths, then the created list will have a length equal to the length of the smaller list.
import Nat = "mo:base/Nat";
import Char = "mo:base/Char";
List.zipWith<Nat, Char, Text>(
?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null))),
?('a', ?('b', null)),
func (n, c) { Nat.toText(n) # Char.toText(c) }
) // => ?("0a", ?("1b", null))
Runtime: O(min(size(xs), size(ys)))
Space: O(min(size(xs), size(ys)))
*Runtime and space assumes that f
runs in O(1) time and space.
func split<T>(n : Nat, xs : List<T>) : (List<T>, List<T>)
Split the given list at the given zero-based index.
?(0, ?(1, ?(2, null)))
) // => (?(0, ?(1, null)), ?(2, null))
Runtime: O(n)
Space: O(n)
func chunks<T>(n : Nat, xs : List<T>) : List<List<T>>
Split the given list into chunks of length n
The last chunk will be shorter if the length of the given list
does not divide by n
?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, null)))))
/* => ?(?(0, ?(1, null)),
?(?(2, ?(3, null)),
?(?(4, null),
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
func fromArray<T>(xs : [T]) : List<T>
Convert an array into a list.
List.fromArray<Nat>([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
// => ?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, null)))))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
func fromVarArray<T>(xs : [var T]) : List<T>
Convert a mutable array into a list.
List.fromVarArray<Nat>([var 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
// => ?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, null)))))
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
func toArray<T>(xs : List<T>) : [T]
Create an array from a list. Example:
List.toArray<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, null))))))
// => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
func toVarArray<T>(xs : List<T>) : [var T]
Create a mutable array from a list. Example:
List.toVarArray<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, null))))))
// => [var 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
func toIter<T>(xs : List<T>) : Iter.Iter<T>
Create an iterator from a list. Example:
var sum = 0;
for (n in List.toIter<Nat>(?(0, ?(1, ?(2, ?(3, ?(4, null))))))) {
sum += n;
// => 10
Runtime: O(1)
Space: O(1)