A python utility to generate random graph as edge list for graph algorithm exercises.
This utility is developed and tested using Python 3.7.
for graph generationmatplotlib
for graph visualization
A few built-in Python modules are used:
for command line argument parsingrandom
for random number generationunittest
for unit tests
Tested with python 3.7, networkx 2.2, and matplotlib 3.0.3.
NetworkX official site: https://networkx.org
Command: gen_graph.py
Generate Graph Types | Arguments |
Random undirected graph with n nodes and m edges |
-grnm -n <n> -m <m> |
Random undirected graph with n nodes and d degree |
-grnd -n <n> -d <d> |
Random undirected graph with n nodes and p edge creation probability |
-grnp -n <n> -p <p> |
Complete graph with n nodes |
-gkn -n <n> |
Cycle graph with n nodes |
-gcn -n <n> |
Path graph with n nodes |
-gpn -n <n> |
Random tree graph with n nodes |
-trn -n <n> |
Full c -ary tree with h height |
-tch -c <c> -h <h> |
Full c -ary tree with n nodes |
-tcn -c <c> -n <n> |
More Options | Arguments |
Show help messages | --help |
Add int edge weights in range [0, 100] |
-w int |
Add int edge weights in range [a, b] |
-w int -wmin <a> -wmax <b> |
Add float edge weights in range [a, b] |
-w float -wmin <a> -wmax <b> |
Generate directed graph | --dir |
Use 1-indexed | --one-based |
Use random seed | --seed <N> |
Visualize graph with matplotlib | --visualize |
Output to a file instead of stdout | --output <filename> |
The first line shows the total number of nodes and edges:
<num-nodes> <num-edges>
The rest of lines show one edge per line with from/to nodes (0-indexed by default) and weight (if enabled):
<from-node1> <to-node1> [weight1]
<from-node2> <to-node2> [weight2]
<from-node3> <to-node3> [weight3]
$ gen_graph.py -grnd -n 6 -d 3 --seed 0 --vis
6 9
0 1
0 5
0 4
1 2
1 4
2 3
2 5
4 3
5 3
$ gen_graph.py -grnd -n 8 -d 3 --seed 34 --vis
8 12
2 7
2 3
2 5
7 4
7 6
0 1
0 6
0 4
1 3
1 5
4 3
6 5
$ gen_graph.py -grnm -n 10 -m 15 -w int --seed 0 --vis
10 15
0 4 49
0 8 97
1 9 53
1 4 5
1 5 33
1 6 65
2 8 62
2 4 51
2 9 100
3 9 38
4 6 61
4 8 45
5 7 74
5 6 27
7 8 64