MakerDAO Community: All participants and contributors to the Maker ecosystem, such as community members, developers, users, and MKR holders.
Maker Integrators: All projects performing a technical integration with the Maker Protocol, such as exchanges, wallets integrating with DAI, MKR or Vaults, DeFi Dapps, Payment gateways, Market makers, Keepers, and much more.
Core Units (Collateral Onboarding): Core Units (elected by MKR holders through governance) with mandates to work on collateral onboarding for MakerDAO. The Core Units perform defined duties for the DAO, such as smart contract maintenance, development, and risk analysis. These teams consist of Risk, Oracles, Smart Contracts, Collateral Engineering Services and Real World Finance. Some Core Units are also Domain Teams as defined by MIP7.
MKR Holders (Governors): MKR token holders, who are the primary stakeholders of the system, vote using the Maker Protocol's on-chain governance system. There are two types of votes in this system, Governance Polls, and Executive Votes. Anyone who owns MKR can participate in these votes. The primary responsibility of MKR holders is to ensure the stability of the Dai peg and the overall health of the Maker Protocol. MKR holders’ interests align with the improvement and growth of the Maker Protocol by building out the governance processes and infrastructure that enable the effective management of the system. This includes, but is not limited to, establishing risk assessment standards for onboarding new collateral and vault types, ratifying Core Units, electing appropriate parties, establishing standards around vote types, and much more.
Collateral Onboarding Application Proposers: MakerDAO community members and third-party projects use the MIP6 Collateral Onboarding application (and MIP67 for Real World Assets) to propose new collateral types to the Maker Protocol (via the official MakerDAO forums) for the collateral onboarding Domain Teams to consider onboarding.