diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 0764816..009e4a2 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ - + @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ - + - + - +
Installing NodeJS on Raspberry Pi
Installing NodeJS on Raspberry Pi
+Before we begin installing NodeJS on the Raspberry Pi, we need to update and upgrade the packages to receive the latest updates.
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt upgrade
+We can now proceed with installing NodeJS:
+curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | sudo bash -
+sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
+To confirm that we have now successfully installed NodeJS, we can run the following command:
+node -v
+npm -v
+Now we need to install a module called pnpm which we will be using later on
+sudo npm i pnpm -g
+Uploading Bot Project
+FileZilla is the easiest method to upload your bot files. However, we need to connect our Raspberry Pi first.
+Firstly, we need to open Site Manager and create a New Site:
Once you have saved and successfully connected, you can now drag and drop your exported files to the Raspberry Pi!
+Back to the SSH terminal, we need to find the folder. In my use case, it would be in /home/df/bmd-bot
, so I type in cd /home/df/bmd-bot
Before we begin to run the bot, we need to install modules in order for the Discord bot to function:
+pnpm i
+Any errors like WARN deprecated can be safely ignored.
+Finally, run the command node bot.js
and now the bot is hosted on your Raspberry Pi. Yippie!
You can now close your FileZilla until you need it again in the future.
+Closing down terminal or shutting down your raspberry pi will cause bot to offline.
+PM2 (Optional)
npm i pm2 -g
+Navigate to your bot folder and enter the following command:
+sudo pm2 start bot.js --name <app_name>
+sudo pm2 start bot.js --name TheBestBotEver
You can go even further by configuring PM2 to restart your bot when files change, set a memory threshold for bot reload, and much more. For detailed instructions, visit https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/pm2-doc-single-page
+To check your bot's usage, enter: sudo pm2 monit