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232 lines (180 loc) · 6.63 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (180 loc) · 6.63 KB



Common steps

All commands are to be run from the root folder of the repository (where the sln file is).


# restores .NET packages
dotnet restore

# builds the .NET solution
dotnet build


  • Create the file src/ConsoleApp/Properties/launchSettings.json (can be done from Visual Studio by opening Properties window of ConsoleApp project then Debug > General)
# update with the values of your environment
  "profiles": {
    "ConsoleApp": {
      "commandName": "Project",
      "commandLineArgs": "-v",
      "environmentVariables": {
        "ServiceNow__RestApi__BaseUrl": "",
        "ServiceNow__RestApi__Username": "<myuser>",
        "ServiceNow__RestApi__Password": "*********"
  • Create the file src/WebApi/appsettings.Development.json
# update with the values of your environment
  "Application": {
    "IsSwaggerEnabled": true,
    "IsHttpsEnforced": false
  "AzureAd": {
    "Domain": "",
    "TenantId": "xxx",
    "ClientId": "xxx",
    "ClientSecret": "xxx"
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "RabbidsIncubator": "Debug",
      "Withywoods": "Debug"
  "ServiceNow": {
    "RestApi": {
      "BaseUrl": "https://<instance_name>",
      "Username": "<user_name>",
      "Password": "*********"
    "SqlServer": {
      "DataSource": "",
      "UserId": "SA",
      "Password": "s0m3Str0ng!P@ssw0rd",
      "InitialCatalog": "TestDB"
  • (Optional) Create at the root of the repositoty a file Local.runsettings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


# runs the Console sample project
dotnet run --project src/ConsoleApp

# runs the Console sample dll with options
dotnet src/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/net6.0/RabbidsIncubator.ServiceNowClient.ConsoleApp.dll -v

# runs the Web Api sample project (will be accessible at https://localhost:7079/swagger)
dotnet run --project src/WebApi

# checks local Web Api health (should returned "Healthy")
curl -k https://localhost:7079/health


Debug the sample Web API in Visual Studio 2022

  • Add breakpoint(s) in the files
  • Select WebApi in the startup project list
  • Click on Debug > Start Debugging (F5)

Debug a test Visual Studio 2022

  • Add breakpoint(s) in the files
  • (Optional) In the top menu, click on Test > Configure Run Settings > Selection Solution Wide runsettings File and select Local.runsettings at the root level of the solution
  • Select a test in the Test Explorer and click on Debug


# runs all tests (unit + integration)
dotnet test


# review and update source files from the rules defined in .editorconfig file
dotnet format


Create a container image and run it with Docker

# creates a Docker image for the webapi sample
docker build . -t rabbidsincubator/servicenowclientapisample -f samples/WebApiSample/Dockerfile --no-cache

# runs locally the webapi sample in a container
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 --name servicenowclientapisample \
  -e ServiceNow__RestApi__BaseUrl="xxx" -e ServiceNow__RestApi__Username="xxx" -e ServiceNow__RestApi__Password="xxx" \

# (once) logs in remote Docker repository (Artifactory)
docker login

# tags the image
docker tag <IMAGE_ID>

# pushes the image to the repository (Artifactory)
docker push

# pulls the image from the repository (Artifactory)
docker pull


  • Code generation can be sensitive, if case of stange behaviors:
    • Close and open again Visual Studio
    • Run dotnet clean and dotnet build from the command line (outside Visual Studio)
    • Manually delete all bin/ and obj/ folders from the root folder
    • Use a .NET assembly decompiler tool, such as dotPeek, and open a dll from obj/ folder
    • Update the ***Generator.cs file you are investigating to
      • Add a call to EnableDebug from GenerateCode method
      • Add a breakpoint in the

Specific usecases

SQL Server database calls

  • Run locally SQL Server in a container (docs)
# sets variable

# runs SQL Server in a container (can be accessed with localhost or as Data Source)
docker pull
docker run --name mssql --hostname $MSSQL_HOST \
  -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=$SA_PASSWORD" -p 1433:1433 \

# manually connects to SQL Server instance
docker exec -it mssql bash
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P "$SA_PASSWORD"

# initializes database with data
docker cp $PWD/scripts/mssql/db-init.sql mssql:/home/db-init.sql
#docker exec mssql ls "/home"
docker exec mssql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P $SA_PASSWORD -i /home/db-init.sql

### Observability

* Start containers (Prometheus, Zipkin and OpenTelemetry collector)

docker-compose up

* Open web UIs:
  * [Zipkin](http://localhost:9411/zipkin/)
  * [Prometheus](http://localhost:9090/graph)
  * [Grafana](http://localhost:3000/)

* Remove containers

docker-compose up

* Warnings:
  * If you are running the containers on WSL, when the Linux VM memory is full you will face strange behaviors.
Do not hesitate to restart regularly WSL: `wsl --shutdown`.