- Container engine: Docker Engine, podman or any other engine
- Git client: git CLI and/or any other git client (such as GitKraken)
- IDE: Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio Code or Rider
- SDK: .NET 6.0 (or higher)
- ServiceNow instance: an user is needed to authenticate to an environment to run the integration tests and sample projects (see Getting Started)
All commands are to be run from the root folder of the repository (where the sln file is).
# restores .NET packages
dotnet restore
# builds the .NET solution
dotnet build
- Create the file
(can be done from Visual Studio by openingProperties
window of ConsoleApp project thenDebug
# update with the values of your environment
"profiles": {
"ConsoleApp": {
"commandName": "Project",
"commandLineArgs": "-v",
"environmentVariables": {
"ServiceNow__RestApi__BaseUrl": "https://devxxxxx.service-now.com/api/now",
"ServiceNow__RestApi__Username": "<myuser>",
"ServiceNow__RestApi__Password": "*********"
- Create the file
# update with the values of your environment
"Application": {
"IsSwaggerEnabled": true,
"IsHttpsEnforced": false
"AzureAd": {
"Domain": "xxx.onmicrosoft.com",
"TenantId": "xxx",
"ClientId": "xxx",
"ClientSecret": "xxx"
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"RabbidsIncubator": "Debug",
"Withywoods": "Debug"
"ServiceNow": {
"RestApi": {
"BaseUrl": "https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/api/now",
"Username": "<user_name>",
"Password": "*********"
"SqlServer": {
"DataSource": "",
"UserId": "SA",
"Password": "s0m3Str0ng!P@ssw0rd",
"InitialCatalog": "TestDB"
- (Optional) Create at the root of the repositoty a file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# runs the Console sample project
dotnet run --project src/ConsoleApp
# runs the Console sample dll with options
dotnet src/ConsoleApp/bin/Debug/net6.0/RabbidsIncubator.ServiceNowClient.ConsoleApp.dll -v
# runs the Web Api sample project (will be accessible at https://localhost:7079/swagger)
dotnet run --project src/WebApi
# checks local Web Api health (should returned "Healthy")
curl -k https://localhost:7079/health
- Add breakpoint(s) in the files
- Select
in the startup project list - Click on
>Start Debugging
- Add breakpoint(s) in the files
- (Optional) In the top menu, click on
>Configure Run Settings
>Selection Solution Wide runsettings File
and selectLocal.runsettings
at the root level of the solution - Select a test in the
Test Explorer
and click on Debug
# runs all tests (unit + integration)
dotnet test
# review and update source files from the rules defined in .editorconfig file
dotnet format
# creates a Docker image for the webapi sample
docker build . -t rabbidsincubator/servicenowclientapisample -f samples/WebApiSample/Dockerfile --no-cache
# runs locally the webapi sample in a container
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 --name servicenowclientapisample \
-e ServiceNow__RestApi__BaseUrl="xxx" -e ServiceNow__RestApi__Username="xxx" -e ServiceNow__RestApi__Password="xxx" \
# (once) logs in remote Docker repository (Artifactory)
docker login devpro.jfrog.io
# tags the image
docker tag <IMAGE_ID> devpro.jfrog.io/rabbidsincubator-docker-local/servicenowclientapisample
# pushes the image to the repository (Artifactory)
docker push devpro.jfrog.io/rabbidsincubator-docker-local/servicenowclientapisample
# pulls the image from the repository (Artifactory)
docker pull devpro.jfrog.io/rabbidsincubator-docker-local/servicenowclientapisample
- Code generation can be sensitive, if case of stange behaviors:
- Close and open again Visual Studio
- Run
dotnet clean
anddotnet build
from the command line (outside Visual Studio) - Manually delete all bin/ and obj/ folders from the root folder
- Use a .NET assembly decompiler tool, such as dotPeek, and open a dll from obj/ folder
- Update the ***Generator.cs file you are investigating to
- Add a call to EnableDebug from GenerateCode method
- Add a breakpoint in the
- Run locally SQL Server in a container (docs)
# sets variable
# runs SQL Server in a container (can be accessed with localhost or as Data Source)
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest
docker run --name mssql --hostname $MSSQL_HOST \
-e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=$SA_PASSWORD" -p 1433:1433 \
-d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest
# manually connects to SQL Server instance
docker exec -it mssql bash
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P "$SA_PASSWORD"
# initializes database with data
docker cp $PWD/scripts/mssql/db-init.sql mssql:/home/db-init.sql
#docker exec mssql ls "/home"
docker exec mssql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P $SA_PASSWORD -i /home/db-init.sql
### Observability
* Start containers (Prometheus, Zipkin and OpenTelemetry collector)
docker-compose up
* Open web UIs:
* [Zipkin](http://localhost:9411/zipkin/)
* [Prometheus](http://localhost:9090/graph)
* [Grafana](http://localhost:3000/)
* Remove containers
docker-compose up
* Warnings:
* If you are running the containers on WSL, when the Linux VM memory is full you will face strange behaviors.
Do not hesitate to restart regularly WSL: `wsl --shutdown`.