In Azure Portal, in "Azure Active Directory > Application registrations", select "New registration"
- Only the same is mandatory
- Once created, the application is displayed
- Save the values of "Application (client) ID", "Directory (tenant) ID"
Update the application
- "Manifest": manually edit the content (
are null by default)
{ "accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2, "allowPublicClient": true, }
- "Certificates & secrets": in "Client Secrets", add a new secret and save the secret value
- "Api permissions": do "Grant admin consent for Default Directory" (Microsoft Graph > User.Read has been added by default)
- "Expose an API": set the application ID URI, "api://<client_id>" is the default and correct choice
- "Expose an API": add a scope, for example "access_as_user" with "Admins and users" for the consent option
- "Manifest": manually edit the content (