Leaderboard aggregates data by GitHub user on:
- merged PRs (Pull Requests)
- open and merged PRs
- PR reviews
- PR review comments
This projects consist of a backend written in go
and a frontend build with
The GitHub API is not directly queried by frontend because of rate limiting and performance as well as user experience and authentication concerns.
Code location: backend
Language: go
The backend is concerned with PR data retrieval from GitHub API v4 (GraphQL) and transformation into aggregated, chartable data.
- Install go 1.12
- Install golangci-lint 1.16
- Install
Build, test, lint and check coverage for this project with
cd backend
Produce a coverage report with
make cover
Run the project with
make run
Alternatively execute the commands given in the Makefile
separately in your terminal.
Code location: frontend
Language: ReactJS
The frontend visualises PR stats as a series of bar charts. It retrieves the underlying processed and aggregated PR data as JSON and renders somewhat interactive SVG bar charts.
Build, test and lint the frontend with
cd frontend
Alternatively execute the commands given in the
. The details of the yarn commands can be found
in package.json
Start stubbed backend service in one terminal
make serve-stub
Run frontend in ReactJS development mode with in separate terminal
make start
make cover
make serve-build
CI (Continuous Integration) runs on Google Cloudbuilds and is configured in
The linked Google Cloud build project is
request access from @juliaogris if needed.
Builds can bet triggered locally with:
gcloud builds submit
holds files not to be uploaded to Cloudbuilds (.git
, frontend/node_modules
The build output of frontend has been manually deployed to Google Cloud storage
bucket leader.academy.org
The backend is deployed as Google Cloud function with HTTP trigger:
gcloud functions deploy LeaderboardHTTP \
--runtime go111 \
--timeout=300 \
--trigger-http \
It is also deployed as Google Cloud function with PubSub event trigger to be used with Google Cloud Scheduler:
gcloud functions deploy LeaderboardEvent \
--runtime go111 \
--timeout=300 \
--trigger-topic=schedule \
must contain a valid GitHub access token.
The linked Google Cloud build project is
request access from @juliaogris if needed.
This was @camh-anz's idea. Thank you!