This project implements the Qualys SSL Labs API in python. It uses API version 3. All methods are async.
Defining the system requirements with exact versions typically is difficult. But there is a tested environment:
- Linux
- Python 3.7.9
- pip 20.3.3
- dacite 1.6.0
- httpx 0.16.1
Other versions and even other operating systems might work. Feel free to tell us about your experience.
In our versioning we follow Semantic Versioning.
The Python Package Index takes care for you. Just use pip.
pip install ssllabs
First, you need to get the sources.
git clone
Then you need to take care of the requirements.
cd ssllabs
python install
If you want to cover on the common usage cases, you can use our high level implementations.
import asyncio
from ssllabs import Ssllabs
async def analyze():
ssllabs = Ssllabs()
return await ssllabs.analyze(host="")
This will give you a Host object as dataclass. This call runs quite long as it takes time to run all tests. You probably know that from using the webinterface. If you don't need a fresh result on every run, you can allow using ssllabs' cache. This will speed up the tests, if there are cached results. The maximum cache validity can be set in full hour steps.
import asyncio
from ssllabs import Ssllabs
async def analyze():
ssllabs = Ssllabs()
return await ssllabs.analyze(host="", from_cache=True, max_age=1)
import asyncio
from ssllabs import Ssllabs
async def availability():
ssllabs = Ssllabs()
return await ssllabs.availability()
This will give you True, if the servers are up and running, otherwise False. It will also report False, if you exceeded your rate limits.
import asyncio
from ssllabs import Ssllabs
async def info():
ssllabs = Ssllabs()
return await
This will give you an Info object as dataclass.
import asyncio
from ssllabs import Ssllabs
async def root_certs():
ssllabs = Ssllabs()
return await ssllabs.root_certs(trust_store=1)
This will give you a string containing the latest root certificates used for trust validation. By default it used the certificates provided by Mozilla. You can choose a differently store by changing trust_store to 1: Mozilla, 2: Apple MacOS, 3: Android, 4: Java or 5: Windows.
import asyncio
from ssllabs import Ssllabs
async def status_codes():
ssllabs = Ssllabs()
return await ssllabs.status_codes()
This will give you a StatusCodes object as dataclass.
If you are just interested in the grade of servers, you can take this example as a starting point. Just exchange the list of hosts you want to query.
If the high level methods do not match your use case, you can access each API call.
import asyncio
from ssllabs.api import Endpoint
async def get_grade():
api = Endpoint()
endpoint = await api.get(host="", s="")
return endpoint.grade
Classes are called like the API call without the leading get. The get method will query the API. It will take the parameters like in the documentation and return a dataclass representing the object, the API describes. One exception in the naming: the getEndpointData call is implemented in the Endpoint class to be able to better distinguish it from its EndpointData result object.
Three types of exceptions might hit you, if the connection to SSL Labs' API is affected: httpx.ConnectTimeout
or httpx.ReadTimeout
appear, if the servers are down, and httpx.HTTPStatusError
appears, if there is a client or server error response. In this cases, you are asked to wait 15 to 30 minutes before you try again.
If you have special needs (e.g. what to use a proxy server), you can create an own HTTP client. Please read the httpx documentation to find out which possibilities you have.
import asyncio
from httpx import AsyncClient
from ssllabs import Ssllabs
async def analyze():
async with AsyncClient(proxies="http://localhost:8030") as client:
ssllabs = Ssllabs(client)
return await ssllabs.analyze(host="")