This repo contains php mailer with custom html mailer templates where you can customize or design your mailer templates using html and css
This repo contains two directories
- mailer templates : This directory contain mailer templates
- phpmailer : This contains core php mailers lib
Now coming to core code
config.php file contains all cred details corresponding to mailer
public static $SMTP_SERVER = ''; // smtp host name public static $SMTP_USERNAME = ''; // sending mailer email id should be there. public static $SMTP_PASSWORD = 'xyx'; // sending mailer email id password should be there. public static $ROOT_DOMAIN = ""; public static $ADMIN_EMAIL = array(""); // admin email where client query will be recieved. In this you can pass multiple admin email id who you want to recieve new client query ex : array("",""); public static $ADMIN_NAME = array("Nishant"); // admin name where client query will be recieved. same as above you can pass multiple admin name corresponding to admin email id public static $DEFAULT_SENDER_EMAIL = ''; // sending mailer email id should be there. public static $DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME = 'Team '; // this will be the name of the sender
mailer.php file. This file contains sendMail function where we are passing paramenter coresponding to mailer.
function sendMail($recipientEmail = array(), $recipientCCEmail = array(), $recipientBCCEmail = array(), $recipientName = array(), $subject, $body, $attachments = array(), $smtpServer,
$smtpUsername, $smtpPassword, $senderEmail,
$senderName = '', $senderReplyToEmail, $senderReplyToName = '')
- contact.php file. This is the file where we have to hit with data
$name = $_POST['name']; $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $email = $_POST['email']; $client_subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message'];
In this file we are sending mail to the contacted client and also to the admin let me show you how and what.
- Sample request using postman
- Client contact form response mailer template
- Admin mailer template
Step to be follow
- edit config.php file and addon your email cred from which you want to send
- you have to hit on contact.php with data
And thats it.
You are done