A TensorFlow implementation of this Nvidia paper with some changes.
Download the dataset and extract into the repository folder Size: 25 minutes = 256030 = 45,000 images ~ 2.3 GB
Use python train.py
to train the model
Use python run.py
to run the model on a live webcam feed
Use python run_dataset.py
to run the model on the dataset
To visualize training using Tensorboard use tensorboard --logdir=./logs
, then open into your web browser.
Research paper: End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars by Nvidia. [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.07316.pdf]
NVidia dataset: 72 hrs of video => 726060*30 = 7,776,000 images
Nvidia blog: https://devblogs.nvidia.com/deep-learning-self-driving-cars/
- Refer: https://medium.com/udacity/open-sourcing-223gb-of-mountain-view-driving-data-f6b5593fbfa5
- Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhUvQiKec2U
- Further reading and extensions: https://medium.com/udacity/teaching-a-machine-to-steer-a-car-d73217f2492c
- More data: https://medium.com/udacity/open-sourcing-223gb-of-mountain-view-driving-data-f6b5593fbfa5