yarn add @deviceinsight/vulnerability-scan --dev
npm install @deviceinsight/vulnerability-scan --save-dev
scripts: {
"vulnerability-scan": "vulnerability-scan --config vulnerability-scan.json",
Vulnerability-scan uses audit-ci to provide the possibilitiy to set severity levels, advisory exclusions or even whitelists for moduless.
An error is returned if any results are found by the given configuration.
A config file can be passed by using the --config <path-to-file>
The following configurations are possible:
// [Optional] defaults `[]`
"advisories": <number[]>,
// [Optional] defaults `false`
"pretty-print": <boolean>,
// [Optional] defaults `undefined`
"registry": <string>,
// [Optional] defaults `high`
"severity": <low|moderate|high|critical>,
// [Optional] defaults `[]`
"whitelist": <string[]>