Disclaimer: Production viable releases are tagged and listed under 'Releases'. All other check-ins should be considered 'in-development' and should not be used in production
RPC is used for activation, deactivation, maintenance, and status of an AMT device The Remote Provisioning Client (RPC) is an application that assists with activation, configuration, and maintenance of for Intel® AMT devices. RPC provides source code that must be compiled into a binary to run or library for integration with other client applications.
For detailed documentation about Getting Started or other features of the Device Management Toolkit, see the docs.
go build -o rpc.exe ./cmd/main.go
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o rpc.dll ./cmd
go build -o rpc ./cmd/main.go
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o librpc.so ./cmd
docker build -t rpc-go:latest .
Install the executable on a target device and then run from a terminal/shell command line with adminstrator privileges.
For usage, call the executable with no additional parameters.
sudo ./rpc
$ docker run --rm -it --device /dev/mei0 rpc-go:latest
- Ensure code is formatted correctly with
gofmt -s -w ./
- Ensure all unit tests pass with
go test ./...
- Ensure code has been linted with
docker run --rm -v ${pwd}:/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.52.2 golangci-lint run -v
For detailed documentation and Getting Started, visit the docs site.
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