This is a docker image which uses minio client to connect into s3 bucket in amazon.
It downloads Flynn cluster backup tar file from http api and transfers it into append-only versioned s3.
Backups will first get uploaded into highly available STANDARD
zone in s3.
They are transitioned to STANDARD_IA
after 60 days.
And then transitioned to GLACIER
after 120 days.
You can decide when AWS expires old backups from GLACIER
**Note:**This script will exit when the backup is ready and it counts in the Flynn's ability to spin up new process for the next backup.
$ docker build -t devgeniem/flynn-backup .
$ flynn create s3-backup --remote=""
$ flynn -a s3-backup docker push devgeniem/flynn-backup
Note: Check that terraform cli has been installed before this.
$ cd terraform
# This creates new bucket and aws iam user credentials for the account that you provide
$ terraform apply
# Get the flynn controller AUTH_KEY which you can use as FLYNN_AUTH_KEY later
$ flynn -a controller env get AUTH_KEY
# Setup the backup process
$ flynn -a s3-backup env set \
FLYNN_AUTH_KEY=auth-key-from-flynn \
AWS_S3_BUCKET=your-bucket-name \
BACKUP_INTERVAL_SECONDS=10800 # Put any interval >1800 here
$ flynn -a s3-backup scale app=1
Note: Check that aws commandline tools has been installed before this.
# This outputs json of all versions
$ aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket your-bucket-name
# This is how you restore older version
# In this example the version we want to restore is rehtEuCbtlaaJWnP0jfdHMQLkyrBPHG_
$ aws s3api get-object --bucket your-bucket-name \
--key backups/flynn-backup.tar \
--version-id rehtEuCbtlaaJWnP0jfdHMQLkyrBPHG_ \