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WITSML 1.4.1.x and 1.3.1.x to BSON parser

Install requirements

  • Make >= 4.3
  • GCC >= 7
  • Node-gyp for compiling node
  • Python >= 3

Compiling dependencies (compile once)

Compiling third-party

Compiling Mongo c library

make -j4 install_bson

You need compiling this step once

Compiling gSoap WITSML C code

make -j4 pre && make -j4 pre_shared

WITSML has many object and compiling this step can take a little longer ~ 40 minutes

You need compiling this step once

Building libraries

Build C example code

make clean && make -j4

Build Python module

make clean && make -j4 py

Build NodeJS library

make clean && make -j4 nodejs

Build Java library

make clean && make -j4 jni


Cleaning project

make clean

Removing WITSML pre compiled objects

make pre_remove

Removing Mongo C BSON library

make remove_bson

Running examples

NodeJS example

make node_example

Python3 example

make py_example

Cleaning examples

make clean_examples

Memory management

default: 30 MB

You can edit SOAP_MAXALLOCSIZE in file include/stdsoap2.h to modify max memory allocation for each instance


This project is fully open source (MIT) BUT it depends on gSoap library that is GPLv2. See Genivia website