Comma SDK
is a simple solution to integrate audio and video calls into your applications.
Contacts us via email to get your own api keys.
Getting api keys automatically on - coming soon.
Minimum ios 13 support
Set `Enable Bitcode` to No
Comma is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Comma'
import Comma
var commaManager: CommaManager? = nil
commaManager = CommaManager.shared
Then configure Comma
instance when your app has started:
Register a new device
commaManager?.configureService (
localUserId: <USER_ID>,
userName: <USER_NAME>,
projectId: <PROJECT_ID>,
projectApiKey: <PROJECT_KEY>,
voipToken: <VOIP_TOKEN?>,
isApnsSandbox: <IS_APNSSANBOX>
commaManager?.configureService (
withDeviceSecret: <DEVICE_SECRET>,
deviceId: <DEVICE_ID>,
voipToken: <VOIP_TOKEN?>,
isApnsSandbox: <IS_APNSSANBOX>
Please note that The registration method is called after connecting to the signaling server. This method is a direct alternative to the Login method, with the only difference that Login authorizes the connection for an existing device, and Register creates a new device and automatically authorizes the connection for it. Thus, you cannot call Login after Register.
Please call closeConnection()
in method applicationDidEnterBackground
to properly close all connections & configure your session anew in method applicationDidBecomeActive
commaManager?.register = { userId in
print("your id \(userId)")
commaManager?.isReceiveIncomingCall = { incomingCall in
print("Incoming Call \(incomingCall)")
register voip push token
func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didUpdate pushCredentials: PKPushCredentials, for type: PKPushType) {
if pushCredentials.token.count == 0 { return }
else if type == PKPushType.voIP {
let tokenData = pushCredentials.token
let voipToken = { String(format: "%02.2hhx", $0) }.joined()
commaManager?.registerVoipPushNotification(voipToken: voipToken, isApnsSandbox: true)
receive voip push token
func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, for type: PKPushType, completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
if type == .voIP {
commaManager.didReceiveIncomingPushWith(dictionaryPayload: payload.dictionaryPayload, withCallKit: true)
If you are using CallKit: to show the application logo on the callkit screen you need to add the image named AppIconForComma
self.commaManager?.answerCall(true, type: incomingCall.callType)
Calling only with audio:
commaManager?.startCall(id: <CALEE_ID>)
Calling with video:
commaManager?.startVideoCall(id: <CALEE_ID>)
Call options: mute / unmute audio
mute / unmute video
streaming to local and remote views during a video call
commaService?.setupVideo(localView: <local_UIView>, remoteView: <remote_UIView>,cameraPosition: <camera_position>)
End Call
Check Connection State
commaManager?.connectionStateDidChange = { state in
switch state {
case .checking:
case .connected:
case .failed:
case .disconnected:
Comma is available under the Commercial license. See the LICENSE file for more info.