A collection of shell snippets for frequently used commands in
scripts for devcontainer features.
apt_get_checkinstall git
To use this snippet, use the functions defined in src/functions/apt_get_checkinstall.sh
, src/functions/apt_get_update
, and src/functions/apt_get_clean.sh
if [ "$(find /var/lib/apt/lists/* | wc -l)" = "0" ]; then
echo "Running apt-get update..."
apt-get update -y
apt_get_checkinstall() {
if ! dpkg -s "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests --option 'Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true' --option 'Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker=1' "$@"
apt_get_cleanup() {
apt-get clean
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
The functions defined in src/functions/*.sh
can be bundled into a single script.
All of those functions use the source
command to reference other scripts.
We can use bash_bundler to bundle all the scripts into a single file.
Here is an example script:
source functions/echo_banner.sh
echo_banner "devcontainer.community"
To bundle this script, run the following command:
bash_bundler bundle -e example_script.sh -o bundle.example_script.sh
A full example for an install.sh
script that installs chezmoi from GitHub releases is given in src/examples/example.install.chezmoi.sh
#!/usr/bin/env -S bash --noprofile --norc
set -o errexit # Exit on error
set -o pipefail # Pipeline fails if any command fails
set -o noclobber # Prevent overwriting files
set -o nounset # Error on using unset variables
set -o allexport # Export all variables automatically
### Configuration
#### Package Information
readonly githubRepository='twpayne/chezmoi'
readonly binaryName='chezmoi'
readonly versionArgument='--version'
readonly downloadUrlTemplate='https://github.com/${githubRepository}/releases/download/v${version}/${name}_${version}_linux_${architecture}.tar.gz'
#### Installation Information
readonly binaryTargetFolder='/usr/local/bin'
readonly name="${githubRepository##*/}"
source functions/check_curl_envsubst_file_tar_installed.sh
source functions/curl_check_url.sh
source functions/curl_download_untar.sh
source functions/debian_get_arch.sh
source functions/echo_banner.sh
source functions/github_get_latest_release.sh
source functions/utils_check_version.sh
install() {
utils_check_version "${VERSION}"
readonly architecture="$(debian_get_arch)"
readonly binaryTargetPathTemplate='${binaryTargetFolder}/${binaryName}'
if [ "${VERSION}" == 'latest' ] || [ -z "${VERSION}" ]; then
VERSION=$(github_get_latest_release "${githubRepository}")
readonly version="${VERSION:?}"
readonly downloadUrl="$(echo -n "${downloadUrlTemplate}" | envsubst)"
curl_check_url "${downloadUrl}"
readonly binaryPathInArchive="${binaryName}"
readonly stripComponents="$(echo -n "${binaryPathInArchive}" | awk -F'/' '{print NF-1}')"
readonly binaryTargetPath="$(echo -n "${binaryTargetPathTemplate}" | envsubst)"
curl_download_untar "${downloadUrl}" "${stripComponents}" "${binaryTargetFolder}" "${binaryPathInArchive}"
chmod 755 "${binaryTargetPath}"
echo_banner "devcontainer.community"
echo "Installing ${name}..."
install "$@"
echo "(*) Done!"