Copyright 2015 Tomas Radej
This image contains the DevAssistant CLI and a Nulecule DAP with dependencies. It is for testing purposes only, and may break at any time. Use at your own risk!
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
You can now download this from Docker Hub with "docker pull devassistant/nulecule". Once you do that, you can run it with:
docker run -it --rm --privileged --name da -u `id -u $USER` -v `echo $HOME`:/home/dev -v `pwd`:/project devassistant/nulecule
or, you can pass commands directly to it:
docker run -it --rm --privileged --name da -u `id -u $USER` -v `echo $HOME`:/home/dev -v `pwd`:/project devassistant/nulecule create -n myapp