Releases: dev-inn/innkeeper
Releases · dev-inn/innkeeper
v1.0 Release
We've been hard at work developing this bot for use in the Developer's Inn Discord server, your own bot development and other discord servers. Development for this bot will continue, and we encourage you to help contribute and make this bot the best it possibly can.
Its features/commands are:
Command List
or h
Shows a list of available commands.
award \<username>
or a
Awards a user with a reputation point
reputation \<username>
or r
Get the reputation of a user.
rank \<username>
Get the rank of a user.
or l
Shows a list of the top users by xp and reputation points.
Admin Command List
admin help or ah
Shows a list of admin commands.
Resets a users reputation back to 0
setcredits \<username> <amount>
Sets a users credits to specified amount.
newrank <role> <entry_reputation> <budget> <rank>
Create a new role for a given reputation level.
delrank <@rank>
Create a new role for a given reputation level.
setprefix <new_prefix>
Create a new role for a given reputation level.