ACSS (Accelerator Control and Simulation Services) provides an environment for scheduling and orchestrating of multiple intelligent agents, training and tuning of ML models, handling of data streams and for software testing and verification.
User specific services are located at github (
Docker and docker-compose >= 1.28.0 are required.
Clone the acss-services repository.
git clone
To install the core services of ACSS you need to set the following environment values in a .env file.
ACSS_CONFIG_FILEPATH = /path/to/ml-pipe-config.yaml
ACSS_CONFIG_FILEPATH is the path to the yaml config file, which look like this:
# used to check if jbb is done
url: observer:5003
event_db_pw: xxxx
# event_db_url:
event_db_usr: root
# registers all services
url: register:5004
# sql database which maps the machine parameter
sim_db_pw: xxxx
sim_db_usr: root
sim_db_url: simulation_database:3306
# message bus
# external_host_addr: localhost
broker_urls: kafka_1:9092,kafka_2:9096
In production replace ACSS_EXTERNAL_HOST_ADDR=localhost with the server url and set PATH_TO_ACSS_SERVICES_ROOT to the location of the cloned ml-pipe-services repository. The environment values ACSS_DB_PW and ACSS_DB_USER define the credentials for the databases used by ACSS.
Open the root folder of the acss-core project:
cd /path/to/project
To build all docker images run:
make build-all
This can take a while...
Notes: After changing code you just need to rebuild the service images, which is much faster.
make build-service-images
You can check if all core services are started correctly by executing:
docker-compose -p pipeline ps
In the project root folder.
To stop de Core Services just run
make down
Note: Docker and docker-compose => 2.80 is required to run tests locally
Run all tests:
make tests ENV_FILE=.env
Run end to end tests:
make e2e-tests ENV_FILE=.env
Run integration tests:
make integration-tests ENV_FILE=.env
Run unit tests
make unit-tests ENV_FILE=.env
Log in via ssh to
Install python 3.8.8
export PATH=$HOME/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
The machine observer and controller for PETRA III are using the PetraAdapter which is using the libs PyTine and K2I2K_os. The Path to this libs have to be added to the PYTHONPATH.
For PyTine have a look at
K2I2K_os can be cloned via git from:
git clone
To use KafkaPipeClient in a Jupyter notebook you need to add the virtual environment to Jupyter.
First activate the python virtual environment.
For Pipenv
pipenv shell
Start the jupyter notebook:
pip install --user ipykernel
Note: You have to add the virtual environment to jupyter. First, activate the virtual environment. Then run:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=<myenv>