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Bookstore webapp development, using Java technologies like JDK-EE-8, JUnit, Arquilian, GlassFish, Maven, H2, guided by Pluralsight education.

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Bookstore (back-end) application

  • Maven build lifecycle: Maven archetype to bootstrap the basic directory structure and manage Java EE dependencies (configuration file pom.xml).
  • The Domain model: Implementing the Book entity using Java Persistance API to connect to Relational Database by map entity.
  • Entity management: Using Java Transaction API to implement CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) with Java Persistence Query Language (Transaction demarcation).
  • Testing: Using JUnit to test in isolation part of the code and Arquillian integration tests to test integrated systems in a system container.
  • Validation: Using constraints on Object attributes and on Object method parameters to manage data by the system container.
  • Dependency injection: Java bean is a managed Java EE class that benefits from servives given by the system container. Using injection annotation in order to better manage Java beans.
  • REST API: Exposing REST (Representational state transfer) API using annotations in order to consume it with a client API. So that an HTTP endpoint to be an entry point for Angular.
  • API documentation: Using Maven to automate the process of generating JSon contract files for documenting API and to visualize contracts with Swagger UI (User Interface).

Defining the Domain Model

The BookStore web application deals with books. Books are the basic domain model of the application and need to be mapped and then store into a relational database.

  • In the com.pluralsight.bookstore.model package create a Book entity with an id (the primary key), a title, a description, a unitCost, an isbn, a publicationDate, nbOfPages, imagURL and a language.
  • In the com.pluralsight.bookstore.model package create a Language enumeration.
  • In the src/main/resources/META-INF directory create a persistence.xml file for the bookStorePU persistence unit.

To execute the application you have to build it (mvn clean package) and then deploy the bookstore-back.war into WildFly.

Adding a Transactional Repository

Mapping an entity to a database is not enough. We need to add a transactional repository to be able to persist, find or remove data from the relational database.

  • Add two named queries (FIND_ALL and COUNT_ALL) to the Book entity
  • In the com.pluralsight.bookstore.repository package create a BookRepository transactional repository with methods create, find, delete, findAll and countAll.

To execute the application you have to build it (mvn clean package) and then deploy the bookstore-back.war into WildFly.

Testing the Java EE Application

This module uses JUnit and Arquillian frameworks to test the first components of our BookStore application

  • In the src/test/java directory create a com.pluralsight.bookstore.repository package with a BookRepositoryTest test class. This should test the repository with methods such as shouldGetNoBook, shouldCreateABook, shouldFindTheCreatedBook, shouldGetOneBook, shouldDeleteTheCreatedBook, shouldGetNoMoreBook
  • Add the src/test/resources/META-INF/test-persistence.xml file for test purpose
  • Add the src/test/resources/arquillian.xml file for Arquillian test with the arquillian-wildfly-remote qualifier
  • Startup WildFly and run mvn clean test so the Arquillian tests pass

To execute the application you have to build it (mvn clean package) and then deploy the bookstore-back.war into WildFly.

Validating Data

To make sure the data of a book is valid, this module uses Bean Validation to add constraints to the Book model and the transactional repository.

  • In the Book entity add constraints on the attributes title, description, unitCost, isbn and publicationDate
  • In the BookRepository add constraints to the parameter of the methods find and delete
  • In the BookRepositoryTest add extra methods to check the constraints are working shouldFailCreatingABookWithNullTitle, shouldFailCreatingABookWithLowUnitCostTitle, shouldFailCreatingABookWithNullISBN, shouldFailInvokingFindByIdWithNull and shouldFailInvokingDeleteWithNull
  • Startup WildFly and run mvn clean test so the Arquillian tests pass

To execute the application you have to build it (mvn clean package) and then deploy the bookstore-back.war into WildFly.

Injecting Beans

In object oriented programming, objects depend on others. Thanks to injection we can easily ask the container to provide the needed dependencies.

  • In the package com.pluralsight.bookstore.util create the new bean IsbnGenerator with a generateNumber returning a random ISBN number
  • The BookRepository uses injection to get a reference of the IsbnGenerator bean that it uses in the create method
  • For injection to work, create an empty src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml file
  • Adjust the Arquillian tests so it can test injection

To execute the application you have to build it (mvn clean package) and then deploy the bookstore-back.war into WildFly.

Exposing a REST Service

This module adds a REST API in front of the book repository to allow HTTP calls to interact with the back-end with JSon format.

  • In the package create the JAXRSConfiguration class to configure the REST api to the api web root
  • In the package create the BookEndpoint and define the methods createBook (POST), getBook (GET), deleteBook (DELETE), getBooks (GET) and countBooks (GET)
  • In the directory src/main/resources create an import.sql to add data to the database (make sure to add a sql-load-script-source property in the persistence.xml file

To execute the application you have to build it (mvn clean package) and then deploy the bookstore-back.war into WildFly.

Documenting the REST Service

To help us developing the Angular front-end, we need to document our REST API. This module uses Swagger to generate documentation of our REST endpoint.

  • In the BookEndpoint add Swagger annotations to document all the exposed methods

To execute the application you have to build it (mvn clean package) and then deploy the bookstore-back.war into WildFly.


The BookStore application is divided into a Java EE REST back-end (bookstore-back) and an Angular front-end (bookstore-front).

Bookstore Back

The code of this module follows the Maven directory structure. The src/main/ directory contains the main source code while you will find the test class under src/test/. The pom.xml file is Maven specific and it describes the project and its dependencies.

Once Maven and a JDK 8 are installed, enter the following Maven commands:

  • mvn help:help : shows Maven help
  • mvn clean : cleans the target directory
  • mvn compile : compiles the code
  • mvn test : runs the test case (you need WildFly to be up and running)
  • mvn package : packages the code into a war file
  • mvn clean package : executes a clean and then a package

Once Wildfly is installed, deploy the war file and go to http://localhost:8080/bookstore-back/


Bookstore webapp development, using Java technologies like JDK-EE-8, JUnit, Arquilian, GlassFish, Maven, H2, guided by Pluralsight education.







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