I am Ihor, currently studying Computer Science at Portsmouth University, UK.
Love to explore, learn, and build different tools by myself or integrate existing.
I'm very
obsessed with Space, running @IntegrityOfStellar as an opportunity to visit space and participate in space exploration or development of technologies, portal for anyone!
Also, we have the virtual city on Mars called StellarCity!
Python3: FastAPI, Aiogram, Discord.py, Django, Beanie, Flask, numpy, matplotlib, BS, tensor, pandas, opencv, poetry, conda, many more
Flutter: SecureStorage, OAuth2, MaterialUI, RxDart, Provider, BLoC, GetX, Firebase/SupaBase, Riverpod, etc
Rust: Tide, diesel, rewquest, actix, rocket, etc
Next.js, Vue.js, Node.js
Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Lambda, Azure, VPS, S3, MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Linux, MacOS, GIT, SSR/CSR, Restful and GraphQL, JWT, OAuth2, Redis, CI-CD, RestfulAPI, WebView, Json, Streams, Serverless, Micro-services
⚡️ iTalent Technical moderator!
Check out my website
Currently I'm working on the small project called "Permeso" - which is a small Full-stack application for parsing planning applications from the council websites.
Tech stack includes:
- MongoDB as a main database, PostgreSQL for Umami analytics
- Stripe for payments
- Firebase/auth for authorization
- NextJS as frontend framework
- FastAPI as a backend framework
- Linux-based VPS for hosting a backend (Includes CI/CD)
- Umami.is for analytics
- Vercel for Front-end, Umami Instance and PostgreSQL hosting
- Shadcn/ui as a components library for the NextJS
- Cloudflare for SSL and protection
- Docker for virtualization and rapid deployments
More details via email by request: contact@ihorsavenko.com