I assume everybody in our buisness came across a tweet or a blogpost where they passionatly argued about whether programming language A ist better than B and why the other is poorly designed (like Php when you ask me) and others a much better!
And even though I admit that I find them pretty entertaining every once in a while I also think that this is the reason we as an industry haven't moved much in the past decades. One will argue "But we have reactJS and vueJS, kubernetes, docker, kafka, cassandra and so on". Yes we habe those tools and I will not smaller theire value. I am glad they exist. But I don't think theire impact on the industry is significant.
Compare the creation of tools mentioned above with the invention of Version Control. And I'am not talking about the tools here that everybody knows like Git, and Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab and so on. I'am talking about Version Control and theire successor Distributed Version Control as a principle. Without these principles the foundation of our daily work propably wouldn't exist: Open Source Software.