This is a simple script running python code, which connects to a database and performs a series of sql queries on the postgresql dialect. All methods use the psycopg2 library.
This method retrieves the three most popular articles. It connects to the database, performs the appropriate query, and returns a list of results. It's also structured around conditionals to catch edge cases, and a for loop to format the output in english-friend structure. The following SQL command was used:
"""select articles.title, count(log.path) as views
from articles
left join log on substring(log.path, 10) = articles.slug
where substring(log.path, 10) = articles.slug
group by title
order by views desc
limit 3;"""
This method is very similar to the first, but it retrieves the three most popular authors by article views. The following SQL command was used:
"""select as auth_name, count(log.path) as views
from articles
left join log on substring(log.path, 10) = articles.slug
right join authors on =
where substring(log.path, 10) = articles.slug
group by auth_name
order by views desc;"""
This method returns the days when the request error rate was above 1%. It is very similar to the previous two functions, but its sql query is a bit more complex. The following SQL command was used:
"""select to_char(, 'Month dd, YYYY'),
(nums.num*1.0/alls.all)*100 as percent
from (select cast(time as date) as day, count(*) as num
from log where status != '200 OK' group by day) as nums
join (select cast(time as date) as day, count(*) as all
from log group by day) as alls
on =
where (nums.num*1.0/alls.all)*100 > 1.0
group by, percent
order by percent desc;"""
To run this script, you need to have a vm running on your OS, such as Vagrant. After cd'ing into your vagrantfile location, make sure the vm is running with the
vagrant up
command. Then log in with
vagrant ssh
Then download the database setup Retrieve the newsdata.sql file and put it in the same directory as your vagrantfile. Then from the cl, run:
psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
Then run
This should produce results similar to the snippets in the example.txt file.