Grade: 125/100 β
The aim of this project is to code a C library regrouping usual functions that you'll be allowed to use in all your other projects.
Programming in C can be very tedious when you don't have access to the very useful standard functions.
This project gives you the opportunity to rewrite those functions to understand them and learn to use them.
The library will help you for your future projects in C. Through this project, you have the opportunity
to extend your list of functions in your own way!
- test for ASCII character.ft_isalnum
- alphanumeric character test.ft_isalpha
- alphabetic character test.ft_isdigit
- decimal-digit character test.ft_isprint
- printing character test (space character inclusive).ft_tolower
- upper case to lower case letter conversion.ft_toupper
- lower case to upper case letter conversion.
- convert ASCII string to integer.ft_calloc
- memory allocation.
- write zeroes to a byte string.ft_memset
- write a byte to a byte string.ft_memchr
- locate byte in byte string.ft_memcmp
- compare byte string.ft_memmove
- copy byte string.ft_memcpy
- copy memory area.
- find length of string.ft_strchr
- locate character in string (first occurrence).ft_strrchr
- locate character in string (last occurence).ft_strnstr
- locate a substring in a string (size-bounded).ft_strncmp
- compare strings (size-bounded).ft_strdup
- save a copy of a string (with malloc).ft_strlcpy
- size-bounded string copying.ft_strlcat
- size-bounded string concatenation.
- convert integer to ASCII string.ft_substr
- extract substring from string.ft_strtrim
- trim beginning and end of string with the specified characters.ft_strjoin
- concatenate two strings into a new string (with malloc).ft_split
- split string, with specified character as delimiter, into an array of strings.ft_strmapi
- create new string from modifying string with specified function.ft_striteri
- Applies the function to each character of the string passedft_putchar_fd
- output a character to given file.ft_putstr_fd
- output string to given file.ft_putendl_fd
- output string to given file with newline.ft_putnbr_fd
- output integer to given file.
- create new list.ft_lstsize
- count elements of a list.ft_lstlast
- find last element of list.ft_lstadd_back
- add new element at end of list.ft_lstadd_front
- add new element at beginning of list.ft_lstdelone
- delete element from list.ft_lstclear
- delete sequence of elements of list from a starting point.ft_lstiter
- apply function to content of all list's elements.ft_lstmap
- apply function to content of all list's elements into new list.
The library is written in C language and needs the gcc
compiler and some standard C libraries to run.
1. Compiling the library
To compile the library, go to its path and run:
For all mandatory functions:
$ make
For bonus functions:
$ make bonus
2. Cleaning all binary (.o) and executable files (.a)
To clean all files generated while doing a make, go to the path and run:
$ make fclean
3. Using it in your code
To use the library functions in your code, simply include its header:
#include "libft.h"
You can use any of this third party testers to test the project