An implementation of the PSR-8 specification as a coding exercise to make the world a better place through mutually assured hug logic.
objects exchange ->hug()
s in an effort to meet the PSR-8 specification
Inspired by the song Imagine - John Lennon
- Imagine all the people sharing all the world ... And the world will live as one
- 4 - 12 rounds of two random objects will attempt to hug each other.
- The two objects will continue to hug each other back until object conditions (keepHugging()) are no longer met.
- The WarmAndFuzzy property can go up or down after each hug exchange. Sometimes hugs are good, sometimes creepy.
- The number of times an object is hugged is recorded for the life of the object.
- When the same object tries to hug itself an Exception is thrown that does not halt processing.
Sample output:
$ php index.php
Hug Round: 1
lostSoulIndex: 4
- Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b18000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 15 after 0 hugs.
lostSoulIndex: 1
- Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b1c000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 37 after 0 hugs.
Time to try for some hugs...
Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b18000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 15 after 0 hugs.
Other Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b1c000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 37 after 0 hugs.
Hug Round: 2
lostSoulIndex: 1
- Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b1c000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 37 after 0 hugs.
lostSoulIndex: 5
- Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b19000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 80 after 0 hugs.
Time to try for some hugs...
Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b1c000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 98 after 2 hugs.
Other Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b19000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 141 after 2 hugs.
Hug Round: 6
lostSoulIndex: 2
- Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b1a000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 50 after 0 hugs.
lostSoulIndex: 2
- Lost Soul: 00000000251d2b1a000000002fd64057 is feeling WarmAndFuzzy: 50 after 0 hugs.
Time to try for some hugs...
WARNING: You should always love yourself but self hugging is not supported in the PSR-8 specification. An attept at an object hugging itself has been made.
$ node ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp lint
or listing of all coding volations by file.
$ php ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 --colors -s index.php src tests
or automate processing of files that will be adjusted to meet coding standards.
$ php ./vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=./phpunit.xml.dest --colors index.php src tests
NOTE: Optionally set path to phpunit
and gulp
by alias
in the user .bash_??
file to remove the path
requirements in the examples listed.
alias phpunit='./vendor/bin/phpunit'
alias gulp='node ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp'
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcbf -h
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcbf -h
Run any one of these commands to trigger PHPUnit testing.
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose --testdox tests
$ npm test
$ node ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp test
$ gulp test
$ gulp
Which will trigger the default
tasks defined in the gulp.js
gulp.task('default', ['phplint', 'phpcs', 'phpunit', 'watch']);