Releases: deeponion/deeponion-legacy
Patch version for 1.8.5
This is a patch version for 1.8.5. Which fixes an error in the checkpoint (that could cause the synchronization from scratch for the blockchain to fail). This version also updated the checkpoints to the latest.
If you don't have a sync issue with 1.8.5 (or if you use the quicksync file), you can continuing using it. Otherwise this version will allow you to syncrhonize smoothly from the beginning.
Windows Wallet Client V1.8.5.1-DV (DeepOnion-qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
You can use quicksync file to sync if needed:!zzZlTIYQ!i_F8gLo_vTXl5egfoGyZMpXAlD_eO3ZfT9BFYaMLlbU
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.8.5.1-DV can be found here:
Last Maintained Legacy Release: Fix the Sync Issue
Version 1.8.5 is the last official release in legacy branch, which will be supported by the dev team. This release fixed a recent sync issue for the blockchain, and updated the checkpoints. If you use legacy wallet, this is the one to be used as previous versions will have synchronization issues.
Windows Wallet Client V1.8.5-DV (DeepOnion-qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
You can use quicksync file to sync if needed:!zzZlTIYQ!i_F8gLo_vTXl5egfoGyZMpXAlD_eO3ZfT9BFYaMLlbU
Mac Wallet Client V1.8.5-Non DV (DeepOnion-Qt-Non-DV-1.8.5.dmg) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dix4r1CHMKXHYxRrrPjQiDXRCBWyDRdKTe.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
Mac Wallet Client V1.8.5-DV (DeepOnion-Qt-DV-1.8.5.dmg) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dix4r1CHMKXHYxRrrPjQiDXRCBWyDRdKTe.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.8.5-DV can be found here:
Maintenance Release with Latest Checkpoints and Blockchain Verification
Version 1.8.1 is a maintenance release. It fixes a small issue in 1.8.0 that rarely may cause an out-of-sync. It also added latest checkpoints, and updated blockchain verification with latest blockchain hash (up to block 1118505) checked in Bitcoin blockchain.
Version 1.8.1 is not a mandatory upgrade, but users are highly recommended to upgrade.
Windows Wallet Client V1.8.1-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
Mac version will be posted here soon. Also Linux/Tail version etc will be updated soon at this thread:
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.8.1-DV can be found here:
New Release with Various Improvements
Please no longer use 1.8.0, as it is reported in very rare occasion that it may go out of sync. The issue should be fixed in the new 1.8.1 release. Please use the new version instead.
Version 1.8.0 is a maintenance release. It has the following enhancements:
For non-DV version, by default the blockchain check will not be performed. This is to accelerate the startup. The user can use following ways to verify the blockchain:
(a) set flag "checkblockchain=1" in conf file, and the startup will perform the check
(b) do it after wallet starts at QT UI: Help->Debug Window->Information, click on "Verify blockchain" button
(c) do it after wallet starts through CLI command "verifyblockchain"
For DV-version, the blockchain check is mandatory and config flag will be ignored. This is because DV will need to do checks anyway so won't save startup time. -
Tightens some sanity checks when receiving new blocks.
Also it adds latest checkpoints to make blockchain more secure and includes miscellaneous small bug fixes.
Version 1.8.0 is not a mandatory upgrade, but users are highly recommended to upgrade, due to the better security of the wallet.
Windows Wallet Client V1.8.0-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.8.0-DV can be found here (for Qt.exe file):
Maintenance Release with New Blockchain Hash Record and Checkpoints
Version 1.7.6 is a maintenance release. It adds a new blockchain hash (up to Block 920000) registered with Bitcoin blockchain (at Bitcoin block 552835). Also it adds latest checkpoints to make blockchain more secure and with misc small bug fixes.
Version 1.7.6 is not a mandatory upgrade.
Windows Wallet Client V1.7.6-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.7.6-DV can be found here (for Qt.exe file):
Maintenance Release 1.7.5
Version 1.7.5 is a maintenance release and it added following new features or updates:
- 2 New Themes (Fancy Purple and Light Purple), we have 4 themes now user can switch among them
- New blockchain hash (up to Block 771900) registered with Bitcoin blockchain
- New checkpoints to make blockchain more secure
- Misc bug fixes
- Reset the testnet
Version 1.7.5 is not a mandatory upgrade.
Windows Wallet Client V1.7.5-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.7.5-DV can be found here (for Qt.exe file):
Tails, Debian and Ubuntu repo's all updated.
New Themes for DeepOnion Wallet
Version 1.7.3 added following new features or updates:
- New Theme with Dark and Light theme, switchable in Option
- New checkpoints etc
- New blockchain hash (up to Block 624700) registered with Bitcoin blockchain
- Misc bug fixes
Version 1.7.3 is not a mandatory upgrade.
Windows Wallet Client V1.7.3-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.7.3-DV can be found here (for zip file):
Also you can download the 1.7.3 Debian package for Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Bionic (18.04), for both Qt wallet and daemon.
DeepOnion Blockchain is guaranteed by Bitcoin Blockchain now!
DeepOnion Blockchain is guaranteed by Bitcoin Blockchain now! We periodically check in the DeepOnion blockchain hash into the Bitcoin Blockchain so that we are more secure than ever, guaranteed by the most secure immutable database in the world!
Version 1.7.2 is not a mandatory upgrade.
In 1.7.2, the following new features are added:
- DeepOnion Blockchain is guaranteed by Bitcoin Blockchain, the DeepOnion Blockchain hash is checked every time the wallet starts, make sure it is the correct blockchain it is loaded.
- DeepVault fee is further reduced to 0.001 ONION. This means with 1 ONION you can register 1000 files! Verification of the file is always free as usual.
- Start up screen has progressive percentage, so you know the loading progress.
- Misc fixes (nCheckDepth, rpc json, etc).
Windows Wallet Client V1.7.2-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.7.2-DV can be found here (for zip file):
A patch version for 1.7.1
This is a patch version for 1.7.1, it fixes the initial crash issue some people reported. If you already run 1.7.1, you don't need to upgrade to this version, unless you experience initial crashes.
Windows Wallet Client V1.7.1.1-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.7.1.1-DV can be found here (for zip file):
Security Fix Version, Please Upgrade
The DeepOnion dev team found a security exploit, and promptly fixed it. This requires everyone to upgrade before the switch. There's only one hard fork at block 540000 to turn on the Stealth Address feature and reduce the transaction fee. So please upgrade to 1.7.1 before the switch block. This is mandatory upgrade.
Windows Wallet Client V1.7.1-DV (DeepOnion-Qt.exe) is guaranteed by DeepVault, with verification address Dg9D3ZvXoLk6Ysw5SG8VVMiMDqXmWvEbjt.
You can verify the authenticity of the downloaded executable with DeepVault.
The virus report of the Windows Wallet V1.7.1-DV can be found here (for zip file):