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EOS: get started and input examples

Tongqi Wen edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 8 revisions

Equation Of State (EOS) here calculate the energies of the most stable structures as a function of volume. Users can refer to Figure 4 of the dpgen paper for more information of EOS.

An example of the input file for EOS by VASP:

	"structures":	"confs/mp-*",
	"interaction": {
		"type":		"vasp",
		"incar":	"vasp_input/INCAR",
		"potcars":	{"Al": "", "Mg": ""}
	"properties": [
                        "type":         "eos",
			"vol_start":	10,
			"vol_end":	30,
			"vol_step":	0.5

vol_start is the starting volume per atom in Å^3/atom, vol_step is the increasing step of volume and the biggest volume is smaller than vol_end. In the above example, 40 tasks would be generated as task.000000 to task.000039 with the volume 10.00, 10.50, 11.00, ..., 29.50 Å^3/atom.

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