Create beautiful, mathematically rich presentations easily with LaTeX and Beamer!
Welcome to the LaTeX Presentation Template! This repository provides a modern, user-friendly setup for creating professional presentations. Whether you're an academic, researcher, or professional, this template equips you with a streamlined workflow for visually appealing and technically robust slides.
| Source Code | Live Preview |
Below are a few slide previews to showcase the templateโs design:
Slide Section | Preview |
Title Page | ![]() |
Table of Contents | ![]() |
Image Example | ![]() |
Equations Example | ![]() |
References | ![]() |
- ๐จ Sleek and Modern Design: Impress your audience with clean, professional visuals.
- โก Time-Saving Setup: Pre-configured settings and ready-to-use slides.
- ๐ข Math-Ready: Seamless support for equations, symbols, and scientific notations.
- ๐ Integrated Bibliography: Easily manage references with BibTeX.
- ๐ ๏ธ Fully Customizable: Tailor colors, fonts, layouts, and more to match your style.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd latex-presentation-template
Install Required Tools:
- Install a LaTeX distribution (e.g., TeX Live, MiKTeX, MacTeX).
Compile Your Presentation:
make # Generates the PDF
Download the ZIP:
- Download the repository as a ZIP file.
Upload to Overleaf:
- Upload the ZIP file to your project on Overleaf.
Edit and Compile:
- Update the template with your details. Overleaf compiles the document automatically!
Edit main.tex
to update the presentationโs metadata:
\newcommand{\paperTitle}{Full Presentation Title}
\newcommand{\paperAuthors}{Your Name}
\newcommand{\paperAuthorsAffiliation}{Your Institution}
\newcommand{\paperConference}{Event or Conference}
\newcommand{\presentor}{Your Name}
\newcommand{\presentationDate}{Month Year}
\title[Short Title]{\paperTitle}
\date[\presentationDate]{\paperConference, \paperPublishedYear}
Background Image
, you can modify the background image:\setbeamertemplate{title page}{ \begin{picture}(0,0) \put(-\textmargin, \dimexpr -\paperheight*6/10 \relax){ \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{assets/presentation-theme/title-slide-background.png} } % Adjust positioning and size of the title text or add custom elements here \end{picture} }
Title Page Content
Update the content intitlepage.tex
:\setbeamertemplate{title page}{ \begin{picture}(0,0) % Code for background image \put(-\textmargin + 7mm, -75pt){ \begin{minipage}[b][4.5cm][t]{0.8\textwidth} \raggedright \color{white} \usebeamerfont{title}{\paperTitle}\\[0.4cm] \usebeamerfont{subtitle}{\paperAuthors}\\[0.2cm] \usebeamerfont{institute}{\paperConference, \paperPublishedYear}\\[2.5cm] \usebeamerfont{subtitle}{\sc\presentor}\\[0.2cm] \usebeamerfont{date}\small{\presentationDate} \end{minipage} } \end{picture} }
General Configuration
, youโll find settings for packages, colors, figures, tables, and hyperlinks.\usepackage[ backend=biber, style=ieee, % Citation style (e.g., ieee, apa, mla) ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{references.bib} % Bibliography file
Slide Templates
, you can define how each slideโs title and footer appear:\setbeamertemplate{frametitle}{ % Code for slide title }
\setbeamertemplate{footline}{ % Code for slide footer \hfill {\usebeamercolor[fg]{presentor in head/foot}\usebeamerfont{presentor in head/foot}\presentor} \hfill {\usebeamercolor[fg]{date in head/foot}\usebeamerfont{date in head/foot}\presentationDate} \hfill {\usebeamercolor[fg]{page number in head/foot}\usebeamerfont{page number in head/foot}\usebeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}} \hfill % Code for slide footer }
Custom Commands
holds additional commands you can utilize:\newcommand{\newSection}[1]{ % Code for adding a new page when a new section starts \section{#1} }
To add new slides, you have two options:
Directly in
:Create new slides directly in the
file:\begin{frame}{Slide Title} % Your slide content here \end{frame}
Using separate files in the
directory:Create new slide files in the
directory and include them inmain.tex
For example, to add a new slide section, create a file named
in theslides/
directory with the following content:\begin{frame}{Your Slide Title} % Your slide content here \end{frame}
Then, include this file in
Place your images in the assets/figures
directory and reference them in your slides:
\caption{Your image caption}
\label{fig:Your Image Label}
Add references to references.bib
and cite them in your slides:
They will appear in your bibliography slide automatically.
File/Directory | Purpose |
main.tex |
Main file for the presentation |
references.bib |
Bibliography entries |
config/ |
Theme and settings configuration files |
assets/ |
Folder for images and other media assets |
slides/ |
Optional directory for separate slide sections |
Makefile |
Automates build and cleanup tasks |
This project is available under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute under these terms.
Consider the following if you find this template helpful:
- Star this repository on GitHub โญ
- Fork the project to create your own variant ๐ด
- Share it with peers and colleagues ๐ข
Happy TeXing! ๐