- Think about incremental test run
- should break at first failure
- should restart at last failure
- Think about a way to save information about how the right hand side of the PDE
- this should be forwarded to solver to store with the diagnostics
- this could for instance store whether a staggered grid was used
- Automatically register derivative with respect to a single axis
- pattern: d_*(field), e.g., d_x(field)
- second derivatives, too? d2_*(field)
- can we support this for all grids or just for Cartesian grids?
- should also apply to vectors and tensors
- would need a new method that generates the respective operators
- Allow creating ScalarFields from data points and from a python function
- Indicate periodic boundary by dashed/dotted axes in image plot?
- use ax.spines['top'].set_linestyle((0, (5, 10)))
- Add support for dtype=np.single
- Add general support for dtype in classmethods (e.g. to create random fields)
- Improve interactive plotting:
- allow displaying time somewhere (statusbar or extra widget)
- Improve this display by adding a progress bar and support displaying extra text
- allow displaying data from storage in n-d manner
- Add documentation entry for how to build expressions
- Improved documentation on how to set boundary conditions
- Implement Gray Scott Model of Reaction Diffusion
- pde.PDE:
- add test for dot operator and custom boundary conditions
- Plot tracker:
- plot final state in the live view (finalize does not get the final state yet)
- we could for instance have a flag on trackers, whether they are being handled a final time
- an alternative would be to pass the final state to the
- Think about logger names (add
before class name) - Count the number of compilations and store it in the info field of the simulation
- raise a warning when this number became too large in a simulation?
- Think about interface for changing boundary values in numba
- We might need to support optional
argument for operators - Try using https://cffi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html#purely-for-performance-api-level-out-of-line
- We might need to support optional
- Support 3d plots in plot (use for Laplace and Poisson eq)
- Add Glossary or something to development guide
- e.g., state = attributes + data
- Improve cell_volume and cell_volume_data of grids to be more useful
- Hide attributes in field classes that should not be overwritten
- clarify in the description of grids and fields what fields are mutable
- Fix progress bar when starting from non-zero t_start?
- Extend methods
to allow different cuts, visualizations- use an interface similar to that of
- mimick this interface for plotting 3d droplets?
- use an interface similar to that of
- Think about implementing vector differential operators more generally based on the scalar operators –> could this work for all grids?
- Add conservative Laplace operator for polar and cylindrical grid?
- Add tests:
- update plotting of fields and field collections
- general Trackers
- Different intervals for trackers
- Interpolating using boundary conditions
- Think about better interface to convert between different coordinate systems:
- we have global cartesian coordinates, grid coordinates, and cell indices
- all functions dealing with points or returning points should be able to handle all coordinate types?!
- what is the best interface?
- can we just add an option coords='cells', coords='cartesian', coords='grid' to methods that return points (or accept points)
- there should also be a method
convert_coords(from, to)
- Add adaptive Euler stepping
- Think about 2nd order BCs for spherical coordinates
- Think about hyperbolic equations:
- Introducing "advection" operator that could either implement really simple Gudunov finite volume scheme or upwind finite difference scheme
- Introduce gradient operator for given direction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lax–Wendroff_method (Richtmyer or MacCormack)
- Think about implementing helmholtz solver
- generally useful to discuss eigenvalues of laplace operator?
- Add method showing the boundary condition as a mathematical equation
- Consider using @numba.overload decorator instead of generated jit to support out=None idiom
- Ensure that stochastic simulations on a single core can be resumed from any stored state (this requires storing random seeds)
- Implement multiprocessing:
- Separate CartesianGrid into different blocks (we need to slice the whole grid at defined locations)
- Communicate boundary values every time step using special boundary condition (these BCs must follow from the slicing, periodic BCs can also be replaced by the virtual BC)
- This relies on being able to pass information into BCs
- Use mpi4py to pass information around
- How would this play with numba? (we might need to only use numba for the time stepping and do the rest in python)
- Also look into ipyparallel, pyop
- Support more flexible boundary conditions
- Think about implementing vectorial boundary conditions without creating three separate compiled functions
- Add tests for setting vectorial boundary conditions
- add gradient calculation to performance test
- Support CUDA/threading using numba?
- could we partition the calculation of the rhs of PDE and just exchange the boundary/interface values between threads?
- this should be implemented in the Solver class, which needs to prepare special grids and duplicate the PDE class
- This is easiest to implement for Cartesian grids and we might only focus on these (the axial direction of Cylindrical grids should also be supported)
- Implement on-the-fly performance testing to decided whether to use parallel=True
- Store the information for a given grid size in a cache
- This is similar to the wisdom created by FFTW
- Provide class SymmmetricTensorField, which should be more efficient than the full TensorField
- Implement bipolar/bispherical coordinate systems
- Rename SphericalGrid to SphericalSymmetricGrid
- also CylindricalGrid -> CylindricalSymmetricGrid
- this allows to use general spherical coordinates later