Consist of Recursive Autoencoder for phrase and sentence vector generation using word vectors and dependency tree
To execute the code python 2.7 and following packages are required:
To perform paraphrasing detection test run the following:
$ python
$ python
Enter Sentence1 : Consumers would still have to get a descrambling security card from their cable operator to plug into the set.
Enter Sentence2 : To watch pay television, consumers would insert into the set a security card provided by their cable service.
Result: Not Paraphrase
Phrase Similarity value(0=similar, above 0=dissimilarity index)
('consumers', 'cable') : 0.824109976887
('still', 'set') : 0.680742255176
('descrambling', 'cable') : 0.944514994194
('security', 'security') : 0.0
('cable', 'cable') : 0.0
('set', 'set') : 0.0
('plug set', 'the set') : 0.800121098315
('cable operator', 'cable service') : 0.765510384122
('descrambling security card', 'television consumers') : 1.01668589084
('get descrambling security card cable operator plug set', 'pay television consumers') : 1.17636987178
('consumers still have get descrambling security card cable operator plug set', 'watch pay television consumers') : 1.1848175183
Things to Note: should provide word vector file at:
modelFile = '/media/zero/41FF48D81730BD9B/DT_RAE/data/word_embeddings/50/wiki_word50.vector.pickle'