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Gin REST API Example


Simple REST API project which exposes Endpoints to perfom CRUD operation on Book Resource.


  1. Gin
  2. MongoDB
  3. Gin-Swagger

Installing Mongo DB

You can find the instructions to install MongoDB on different OS here -

MongoDB installation instructions

If you need UI to browse MongoDB, then you can try -

MongoDB Compass

Robo 3T

Generating Swagger Documentation using Gin-Swagger

Complete documentation on how to use Gin-Swagger and its dependencies is her Gin-Swagger GitHub

Possibel issues you might get
  1. When you execute
 $ swag init

You might get the error :

command not found: swag

This happens because the swag executeable get installed at location $GOPATH/bin/swag (generally $GOPATH is /Users/{user}/go) and which is not on system PATH.

You can resolve this issue by modifying PATH environment variable in ~/.profile, or in ~/.bash_profile to export swag path.

e.g. on Mac you can modify ~/.bash_profile and put below commands

export SWAG_HOME=/Users/{user}/go
export PATH="${SWAG_HOME}/bin:$PATH"
  1. Error : not yet registered swag and Failed to load API definition message on Swagger UI

You can resolve this issue by importing docs generated by Swag CLI command swag init. e.g. for this project the import for docs in main.go looks like

	_ "gin-rest-api/docs"
  1. 404 page not found :

When you visit Swagger UI on localhost at http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html you get 404 page not found.

You can resolve this issue by registering Swagger handler on the route e.g. below is snippet from main.go from this project

// @title Library  API
// @version 1.0
// Apache 2.0
// @description Library API Server.
// @host localhost:8080
// Deepak Muthekar
// @BasePath /api/v1
func main() {

  router := gin.Default()


  api := router.Group("api/v1")
  	book := new(controller.BookController)
  	api.GET("/books", book.List)
  	api.GET("/books/:id", book.Get)
  	api.POST("/books", book.Create)
  	api.PUT("/books", book.Update)
  	api.DELETE("/books/:id", book.Delete)

//Register handler for Swagger
  router.GET("/swagger/*any", ginSwagger.WrapHandler(swaggerFiles.Handler))
