A challenging word game for Amazon Alexa
Word Juggler is a word game where you try to guess a secret word. The game provides clues about its alphabetical ordering after each guess.
For example, if the secret word is 'cat' and you guess 'dog', the game responds 'Dog comes after', since the word would be sorted after 'cat' in a list. Be careful though, since a longer word like 'catastrophe' would also be sorted after.
There are multiple difficulty levels, ranging from easy 3-letter words to mind-bending 7-letter words.
They are: very easy, easy, normal, medium, hard and very hard. Switch difficulty levels by saying 'change difficulty' at any time.
The companion app displays your last few guesses, use it wisely!
Don't worry if you don't respond in time and the skill closes, Word Juggler will pick up where you left off.
Good luck!
P.S. Feel free to send any feedback or comments to wordjuggler@deegles.co
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