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Enigma Workflow Challenge

My solution to


Each workflow is defined as a TOML file. See workflows/enigma.toml

Tasks are defined in order of execution. Any task-specific parameters should be included here. Task names must have a corresponding file under the tasks directory. The output of each task will be fed into the subsequent task.

A new directory is created for each run in order to avoid conflicts.

Each task implements the following behavior

  1. Export a single default function that returns a Promise
  2. Receive as input an array of strings representing fully qualified file names and an object containing task specific parameters. All tasks should write to the root of the PATH parameter.
  3. Perfom any operations on the input files without modifying them.
  4. Implement any retry logic internally according to the retries parameter if present.
  5. Output an object containing an array of strings named files (representing fully qualified file names for the next task) and a string property MESSAGE. This will be printed after each task.

Running the sample

git clone

cd enigma-workflow

npm install

npm run test

npm run workflow enigma

Output will be similar to the below:

Diegos-MacBook-Pro:enigma-workflow deegles$ npm run workflow enigma

> enigma@1.0.0 workflow /private/tmp/enigma-workflow
> npm run clean && npm run build && node build/src/index.js "enigma"

> enigma@1.0.0 clean /private/tmp/enigma-workflow
> rm -rf ./build

> enigma@1.0.0 build /private/tmp/enigma-workflow
> tslint -c tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts' && tsc -p . && cp -r workflows build/

Executing workflow: enigma
Log path:  /var/folders/s6/hwy4f75d0y3544cz51_1vj980000gn/T/RUN_1500495077328/log.txt

Running task LOADTSV...
Download destination: /var/folders/s6/hwy4f75d0y3544cz51_1vj980000gn/T/RUN_1500495077328/inventory.tsv

Running task TSVTOJSON...
Processed file count: 1

Running task COUNTBYTES...

Running 3 tasks in parallel!

Running task MIN...

Running task MAX...

Running task MEDIAN...
MIN: 2.9
MAX: 35.29
MEDIAN: 18.775

Running task COUNTBYTES...

Workflow complete!


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