Welcome to BANKINGPROJECT - a personal attempt to improve development and gain familiarity with event-driven programming. To learn more about how this project works, feel free to check out the Wiki section displayed up top.
- Spring Boot / Spring Cloud / Spring Data
- Kafka / Kafka Streams / Kafka Connect
- Postgresql / ElasticSearch
- Swagger UI ( @ ---> localhost:8080/swagger-ui/ )
- Landoop UIs
- Docker Compose
- Kafka Testing
- Kibana
- Apache Avro
- Testcontainers
- Security
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/ (definitions for KSQL/Elastic on top right)
- Kafka Topics UI: http://localhost:8079/
- Kafka Connect UI: http://localhost:8086/
- Kibana: http://localhost:5601/
- Elasticsearch Index: http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
- Schema Registry UI: http://localhost:8001
Any questions or suggestions about the project? Feel free to raise an issue!