wxLua535Win10 is a container for wxWidgets-3.1.3 built against Lua 5.3.5.
---> If you are looking for a fresh version of Lua 5.4.2 and latest wxWidgets jump to https://github.com/decuant/wxLua542Win10
This project aims to relieve lazy programmmers to recompile the 3 projects.
Project's name uses Win10 suffix to not overwrite any official name from the wxLua team.
Platforms 32bit and 64bit.
I have added a signature folder to check executables if 32bit or 64bit. Property of SysInternals.
Have fun with Lua!
Compilation of lua.exe with embedded manifest to define the [High DPI Aware] flag, it needs lua53.dll to run. Static link of luac.exe
The lua.exe and lua53.dll use the original released sources with no wizardries. This project might differ from other pre-built distributions, it will accept only the new binary operators. You can see it for yourself trying using bit32, in case of abort because of deprecation then you are using the original sources, otherwise you have a non-standard distribution. It might not be such a big issue on your side.
The wxLua in this project is not standard as it has to accomodate for the binary operators issue as said above. Basically, I commented out a few lines of code...
Compiled with Visual Studio Pro. 2015, version 14.0.25431.01 update 3.
Supported platform is Windows 10.0.14393.0 (not Windows 8.1), both 32bit and 64bit.
Build of each project (cascade to subprojects) has full optimization favouring speed.
32bit: C and C++ code generation will profit of [Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (/arch:SSE2)] instruction set (if applicable).
Uses sources from:
Lua 5.3.5
LuaSocket 3.0-rc1
Uses CMake for building wx.dll
CMake 3.17.0
- Copy files to a directory of choice (something like c:\wxLua535\bin).
- Copy
files inbin\32bit
(a folder up...). - Open the Windows' control panel and the Advanced System Settings.
- Open the Environment Variables editor.
- Create an entry for the User with the following line:
- Add
to the User's PATH variable:
If you use ZeroBrane then be aware that by default the Lua 5.3 in use is the one shipped with ZeroBrane, which is ok, but not the original 5.3.5.
You can change ZeroBrane's lua53.exe with a 64bit implementation (or original 32bit):
a. Open a Command Prompt with Admin Privilegies and
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroBrane\bin"
b. Renamelua53.exe
c. Renamelua53.dll
d. Issuemklink "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroBrane\bin\lua53.exe" C:\wxLua535\bin\lua.exe
e. To fix the debugger
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroBrane\bin\clibs53\socket"
f. Renamecore.dll
g. Issuemklink "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroBrane\bin\clibs53\socket\core.dll" C:\wxLua535\bin\socket.dll
Will work right away.
Note that the compile funtion will fail on binary operators (I suppose it uses an older release 5.1 or 5.2 for compiling).
You might have to fix your existing code because of the many deprecated constants and (some) functions in wxWidgets, the latest release I was using was wxWidgets 2.8.12.
You cannot mix 32bit and 64bit modules! If unsure run
(see screenshots in doc folder). -
Provided samples are just a quick test for correct installation.
The autor can be reached at decuant@gmail.com
The standard MIT license applies.