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Prototype Iteration 1

Louis Christopher edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 5 revisions

First Stage

In the first stage, after conducting brainstorming session and research about the involvement of social and media attributes towards the product, we came up with a mock-ups where it is developed from the low fidelity prototype to high fidelity prototype. We managed to conduct a user test towards people on our current development status. Through the research and workshops the social attributes that can be added is through the addition of observer of the user, which will lead to social interaction involvement between them. The user will need an observer in order to solves the puzzle and the observer could monitor the user activities by typing their email once they are using the system or while they are signing-up.

Low fidelity prototype

We created the Low-Fidelity prototype on Balsamiq Mockups software. The Low-Fidelity prototype is a fast and cheap way to point out the first sketch and the product flow.

Installing Puzzle-Pay extension to Chrome browser

Install Extenstion

Sign up when installing Puzzle-Pay extension

Sign Up

Buying items from ECommerce websites


Redirected to Puzzle Pay

Puzzle Pay Screen

Adding Observer e-mail to the puzzle

Add E-mail

Settings screen to add or remove e-mails

Settings Screen

Puzzle Screen

Begin Puzzle

Observer receives an e-mail

Observer e-mail

User insert the Secret Code

Insert pin

The Puzzle


User answers the puzzle

Puzzle answer

User finished the puzzle

Puzzle pay finished

High fidelity prototype

Follow up the Low-Fidelity prototype, a High-Fidelity prototype is created to support the design attributes that can not be created by the Low-Fidelity Prototype.






User Testing

By using the designs that we have created, we conducted user testing in order to gain feedback and opinions from the targeted user. By using the think-aloud protocol to conduct the user testing, we were able to gather information of what crosses the user's mind when they are using the application. Before the testing session began, the participants are given a brief explanation of what puzzle pay is about. Through the testing session, the tester takes note of the participant actions to be analyzed after the testing session has finished. The participant is also required to say aloud of what they are currently thinking while using the application, and the tester would also take notes of it. These are done to gather more information, in case of the participant forgot a point when the testing session ends. After the testing session finishes, an interview will be conducted to the participant. The interview mainly focuses on whether the interface is intuitive for the user or not. The participant is required to explain the functions that exist on the application and asks for their feedback on whether the functions helps them achieve their goal or not. From the testing session that has been conducted, several insights have been gained:

  • User understand the flow of the application, but some functionality (E.g: Settings page and storing e-mail) needs further explanation.
  • The application needs a tutorial page that will explain the usage of the application, and how to use it. A help button that consists of explanations is also important.
  • The settings button on the main page is hidden, and not many users can find it. There is also a suggestion to add default Observer's e-mail from the start, and change the button into a word, such as "Set current e-mail as default" and "Delete saved e-mails".
  • Other suggestion stated that it would be better to not save Observer's e-mail at all, and ask for Observer's e-mail every time they use the application.
  • The "Maybe" feature when the user finished the puzzle is not important, and will probably annoy the observer.

Based on the insights, the current state of the prototype is not intuitive enough for the user. To deal with the problem, a tutorial page must be created in order to help the user when they want to get an explanation of a feature. Several text and buttons have to be resized and recolored in order to make them more noticeable. Other functionality such as saving observer's email would be deleted, as privacy issues might arise in the future.