Read the handout PDFs in each assignment folder for instructions and details.
Please see the Notebook.
Plot of Word Vector Space.
DEBUG = True Output Log.
- Best Avg Train Loss - 0.116
- Best Dev UAS - 73.76
DEBUG = False Output Log.
- Best Avg Train Loss - 0.058
- Best Dev UAS - 88.78
- Best Test UAS - 88.91
Click here to see the Test Output.
Console Output:
(local_nmt) $ sh test
load test source sentences from [./en_es_data/]
load test target sentences from [./en_es_data/test.en]
load model from /media/storage2/nmt/model.bin
Decoding: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8064/8064 [04:20<00:00, 30.90it/s]
Corpus BLEU: 22.768024049390718
Coming Soon!