Implementation of a generalized elastic net LMM for (mainly) GWAS analysis. It also implements the exact post selection inference method proposed by Lee et al. to generate accurate confidence interval and p-values adjusted for elastic net.
The implementation is based on Barbara Rakitsch's implementation of LMM-Lasso ( , Artem Skolov's implementation of GELnet (, and selectiveInference by the Selective Inference Team (
For multiprocessing we are using Pathos. (
The software is released under the GNU General Public License.
Benjamin Schubert
Debora Marks and Chris Sander Group
Systems and Cell Biology,
Harvard Medical School,
200 Longwood Avenue, Boston, 02115 MA, USA
Rakitsch, B., Lippert, C., Stegle, O., & Borgwardt, K. (2012). A Lasso multi-marker mixed model for association mapping with population structure correction. Bioinformatics, 29(2), 206-214.
Sokolov, A., Carlin, D. E., Paull, E. O., Baertsch, R., & Stuart, J. M. (2016). Pathway-based genomics prediction using generalized elastic net. PLoS Computational Biology, 12(3), e1004790.
Lee, J. D., Sun, D. L., Sun, Y., & Taylor, J. E. (2016). Exact post-selection inference, with application to the lasso. The Annals of Statistics, 44(3), 907-927. Chicago
McKerns, M., & Aivazis, M. pathos: a framework for heterogeneous computing, 2010. Chicago