Welcome to the Python Course series! This repository accompanies the YouTube tutorial series designed to take you from a Python novice to an expert. You’ll find code examples, exercises, and additional resources for each video. Whether you're just starting or looking to deepen your Python knowledge, this course has something for you.
- Introduction to Python
- Basic Python Syntax
- Control Flow
- Functions
- Data Structures
- Working with Strings
- File Handling
- Modules and Packages
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Error Handling and Exceptions
- Working with Date and Time
- Comprehensions
- Advanced OOP Concepts
- Iterators and Generators
- Decorators
- Context Managers
- Testing in Python
- Regular Expressions
- File I/O and Serialization
- Concurrent and Parallel Programming
- Working with APIs
- Data Science with Python
- Web Development with Python
- Deployment and Automation
- Best Practices
This series is designed to provide a comprehensive education in Python, from the basics to more advanced concepts. Each section below corresponds to a video in the YouTube series. The repository is organized into folders that match the sequence of topics in the course.
- What is Python?
- Installing Python and setting up the environment
- Running Python scripts
- Variables and Data Types
- Basic Operators
- Input and Output
- Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
- Loops (for, while)
- Break, Continue, and Pass statements
- Defining Functions
- Parameters and Return Values
- Scope and Lifetime of Variables
- Lambda Functions
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- String Manipulation
- String Methods
- Formatting Strings
- Regular Expressions (basic introduction)
- Reading and Writing Files
- Working with CSV files
- Exception Handling (try, except, finally)
- Importing Modules
- Creating your own Modules
- Python Standard Library Overview (os, sys, math, random, etc.)
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Understanding Exceptions
- Raising Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- The datetime module
- Formatting and Parsing Dates
- Time Arithmetic
- List Comprehensions
- Dictionary Comprehensions
- Set Comprehensions
- Class Methods and Static Methods
- Properties and Descriptors
- Method Resolution Order (MRO)
- Metaclasses
- Understanding Iterators
- Building Generators with yield
- Generator Expressions
- Function Decorators
- Class Decorators
- Using Decorators with Parameters
- The with statement
- Writing Custom Context Managers
- Using contextlib
- Unit Testing with unittest
- Test-driven Development (TDD)
- Mocking and Patching
- Advanced String Manipulation
- Pattern Matching
- Practical Examples
- Working with JSON, XML, and CSV
- Pickle Serialization
- Threads vs. Processes
- The threading module
- The multiprocessing module
- Asynchronous Programming with asyncio
- Consuming Web APIs
- RESTful APIs using requests
- Handling Authentication
- Introduction to pandas
- Data Visualization with matplotlib and seaborn
- Basic Statistics and Probability
- Introduction to Machine Learning with scikit-learn
- Flask Basics
- Building a REST API with Flask
- Django Overview
- Working with Databases (SQLAlchemy, Django ORM)
- Deploying Python Applications
- Automation with fabric, invoke, or ansible
- Packaging Python Projects (pip, virtualenv, setuptools)
- Code Style (PEP 8)
- Writing Clean and Maintainable Code
- Version Control with Git
- Documentation with Sphinx
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.