The webhook allow you application to self update by running a git pull
via a http request.
To work the project has to be a working git repository (meaning it has to have a .git folder at the root of your project).
This tool need ddattee/libs
if you install the tools via composer the dependecy has been solved and install.
Otherwise you need to install this library.
We will assume that you have git installed and that you're project is already a git working repository.
To be able to work the webhook need to be able ro tun the git pull
command in your project dir with webserver user.
For that you need two things :
- Allow webserver user to contact remote server that contain the repo
# Create SSH credential for yout webserver user
sudo -u www-data ssh-keygen -t rsa
Then add the public ssh key generated to your allowed ssh key on your central repository server.
- Allow webserver user to use current git repository
# Go into you projects root where .git dir is located
cd /project/path
# Give the webserver user read-write permissions on .git fodler (assuming you are running your webserver with www-data user)
chgrp -R www-data .git
chmod -R g+rw .git
By default the Webhook wil try to pull with default git configuration, meaning it will try to do git pull origin master:master
If you need you can specify which remote/branches you'd like the webhook to update, for this simply add this configuration into your app config/autoload/global.php
'tools' => [
'webhook' => [
'git' => [
'remote' => [
'name' => 'origin',
'branch' => 'master'
'local' => [
'branch' => 'master',
The webhook has first been maid to be called by Gitlab webhook system.
In order to use gitlab webhook token security system you can declare it to your app config/autoload/global.php
'tools' => [
'webhook' => [
'token' => '',
The webhook will then look for gitlab header and if it founds it will verify that the sent token corespond to the one you configured.
You can call the webhook from any browser by going to this address : http(s)//YOURDOMAIN/tools/webhook/update It is also this URL that you must provide to Gitlab when configuring the webhook on gilatb's side.