- ✨ (protected): Added functionality for protected files [7df25a1,1c2ec33,1994662,50eaaeb,e78f5a9,36f1f5b,a3332dc,532c147,7f15cc2]
- ✨ (thumbnail): Functionality for creating thumbnails [76b4002,77e3180,db3b97f,80056a6]
- ✨ (conf): Now can specify params with lists and dicts for import [1ac4770,287c027,46f936c]
- ➕ (project): Added optional dependency for crypt utilities [9f69d7d]
- ✅ (tests): Tests Update [5b0666c,10941a8,3b7d2a0,eb822e3,018ed05,3f02334,af32278]
- 🎨 (docs): Add more badges! [b47f096]
- ♻️ (api): Updated error handler now it covers large variations of errors [db3c0ef]
- 💚 (docs): We slightly corrected the documentation build [5fba766]
- 🐛 (docs): Correction of the documentation build [d406900,1e0a9c4]
- 👷 (project): Script for updating changelog [6395ad6]
- 👷 (buid): Updating the build system and dependency versions [5c8af5b]
- 📝 (docs): Fix docs references [774330f,6fa656c,d2094fe]
- 📝 (docs): Added model fields to the documentation. [3a35d7e]
- 👷 (gh actions): Update Action Versions [0b8b57d,d76721f]
- 📝 (docs): Correcting links in documentation [c3135f1]
- 📝 (docs): Corrected the README text so that the link to the documentation is more visible [04efe31]
- 📝 (docs): Documentation text update [8302403]
- 📝 (docs): Changelog update [1c9a601]
- ✨ (api): Added a view that applies OpenAPISchemaPatcher [f214caf]
- ✨ (api): Added OpenAPI3 object patcher [45e40a5]
- ✨ (api): Advanced Router [74318b3]
- ✨ (api): DRF error handler [c5546ba]
- ✨ (core): Added a method to get links to the front [3b3171f]
- ✨ (core): Functions for encryption and decryption [011f875]
- ✨ (core): Universal manager for all meringue models [59d88fd,57f1af6]
- 🔧 (tests): Update dependency versions for tests [81c1ee3]
- 🔧 (tests): Updated dependency matrix for testing [a61e889,de9f435]
- 🔧 (package): Upgrading dependency versions [3a0d745]
- 🔧 (github): Updated github workflows configurations [16e2272,f48c999,0e58a15,c2144ba,bce9865]
- 🔧 (project): Build update [1e0a9c4]
- 📝 (docs): Documentation update [5873881,3803f69,8cbec19,0a86a5a,59bd450,f483929,6ba2fd7,c28409c,d76721f]
- 📝 (docs): Updated changelog [1964919]
- ♻️ (core): Refactoring simply register of fields for translation [195bd02]
- ♻️ (core): Tag refactoring and date period display utilities [0f65c21]
- ♻️ (core): Refactoring the copyright date tag [29aa1f3]
- ♻️ (core): Refactor Mixin publications by dates [60921ce]
- ♻️ (core): Refactor Publication Mixins [2deac17]
- 💬 (repo): Consolidated emails for the git log [c40d0ac]
- 🔧 (git): Added code style check when committing changes [0715020]
- 🔧 (git): Now we use gitmoji for commits [20b5439]
- ♻️ (core): Refactor Upload Handlers [be985dc,a3798af]
- ♻️ (conf): Updated package settings [4f50bbf,7b0dc93,b169cbe,0e47630]
- 🔧 (lint): Codestyle and linter setup [42b10d3]
- ♻️ (refactor): Codestyle and linter [96fb5dc,e3e5d2c,6889005,c946165,b4aad26]
- 🔧 (tests): Added and configured tests [197f44d,a4a222f,64dc6d2,ff2e063,ec8cab6,2688f5e,ae7a17c]
- 🔧 (tests): Tests on push hook to github [414093f,f5e5ac3,fad22df,8b2d6e7,05213cd,6fbe7ad,a34e34f,17a41f8,855a7a4,4f03343,bab6bad,2395a7d]
- 🔧 (docs): Added and initially configured mkdocs [fa99cd4,b7cec98,53d65f0,5b50423,7203552,eaaeafa,241f5dd,bafc88f,360c58e,70c5a21,725df13,4a9f1d6,941914f,7eb5689,9186657]
- 🔧 (docs): Publishing documentation in github pages [c5a1b03,ac3eb62,1aa4afe,ac2bc72,85562dc,f892e78]
- 🔧 (docs): Build and publication of documentation ready [e63c170,1f91c9c,c00fa81]
- ➖ (build): Removed unnecessary dependencies [26cfe6e]
- ➖ (refactor): Removed old functionality and unnecessary code [aeb164d,e486871,886046a]
- 🥚 (core): Im a teapot [3e46460]
- 🧪 (conf): Tests for the Settings class [20741e1,11352b6]
- 🌐 (docs): Translation of documentation into English [5b00c3a,a4b5e8e]
- 📝 (docs): Documentation text update [5fd1a8c,e59522f,32dae99,ececaf9,bd4ec8d,1f1fb0b]
- Added PublishManager.unpublished method [c64c3bf]
- Added PublishQuerySet [474d232]
- Added SortingMixin [79cea39]
- Added unify_email and unify_phone utilities [52fca41]
- Added template redefining drf base template to remove drf title [b5bab76]
- License type changed [c48791f]
- refact: Updated package build system [304daff]
- update setup script [ea51888]
- update files permissions [0602649]
- clear code [fc56a8b]
- update settings [5c0fb4d]
- more structure updates [91f4de8]
- some fixes thumbnails [72f69e0]
- add labels for apps [2657aeb]
- rename PublishModel -> PublishedBase [5d1bcce]
- Method for renaming files moved to config [690daae]
- verlib added to required dependencies
- Various fixes [b149eef,27f6fdd,4efb75c,1501eb0,528812d,cbd8d2b,492ec55,94d2c6c,ead91c3]
- upload_handlers fix hash [833a033]
- Deprecate get_version [1534329]
- Setup reconfigure [fe928fa]
- Added documentation with sphinx [dd0ff73]
- Added add_placeholder tag to set placeholder field [9a1847b]
- Updated dependencies
- upload_handlers fixed to work with django 1.8 [0d85888]
- поправлена ссылка на .map
- добавлен параметр MERINGUE_LOAD_MINI в settings указывающий загружать минифицированный файл или нет (default = DEBUG)
- fix PutStatic._fix_map_link [a69232e]
- Added get_version method [a63fc47]
- Added unify_email to unify emails
- Added put_js
- Added put_css
- Added put_reset
- Updated build in egg [4828fa2]
- Text printing, replaced by logging [e1ccffd]
- upload_handlers now uses sha256 instead of md5
- Updated dependencies
- Изменена стандартная formset_factory для того что бы выставляла префикс на все формы набора включая управляющие
- form_fieldsets - при необходимости разбивает форму по группам (fieldset)
- Шаблонный тег field_render выводит поля форм в заранее заданном виде
- Шаблонный тег field_render_classes возвращающий список классов для поля
- Декоратор anonymous_required пропускающий только неавторизованных пользователей
- Added GetAbsoluteUrlMixin
- Added PreviewImageFileInput
- Renaming files in upload_handlers using file hash sum