(a: Number + b: Number): Number
Performs addition: a + b
ADD(a: Number, b: Number): Number
Performs addition: ADD(a, b) = a + b
(a: Number * b: Number): Number
Performs multiplication: a * b
MUL(a: Number, b: Number): Number
Performs multiplication: MUL(a, b) = a * b
(a: Number - b: Number): Number
Performs subtraction: a - b
SUB(a: Number, b: Number): Number
Performs subtraction: SUB(a, b) = a - b
(a: Number / b: Number): Number
Performs division: a / b
DIV(a: Number, b: Number): Number
Performs division: DIV(a, b) = a / b
(a , b): Arguments
Returns an array of arguments with b appended to a. If a is not an argument array, it is automatically appended to an empty array.
MOD(a: Number, b: Number): Number
Performs modulo operation: MOD(a, b). (equivalent to a % b)
(a: Number % b: Number): Number
Performs modulo operation: a % b. (equivalent to MOD(a, b))
(a = b): Boolean
Returns TRUE if a = b. Otherwise returns FALSE.
(a: Number != b: Number): Number
Returns FALSE if a = b. Otherwise returns TRUE. (equivalent to <>)
(a: Number <> b: Number): Number
Returns FALSE if a = b. Otherwise returns TRUE. (equivalent to !=)
(a: Number ~= b: Number): Number
Returns TRUE if ABS(a - b) < EPSILON. Otherwise returns FALSE.
(a: Number > b: Number): Boolean
Performs greater-than operation: a > b
(a: Number < b: Number): Boolean
Performs less-than operation: a < b
(a: Number >= b: Number): Boolean
Performs greater-than-or-equal operation: a >= b
(a: Number <= b: Number): Boolean
Performs less-than-or-equal operation: a <= b
(a: Boolean AND b: Boolean): Boolean
Performs logical AND: a AND b.
(a: Boolean OR b: Boolean): Boolean
Performs logical OR: a OR b.
(a: Number ^ b: Number): Number
Performs exponentiation (a to the power of b): a ^ b
NEG(value: Number): Number
Performs negation of the value: NEG(value). (equivalent to -value)
-(value: Number): Number
Performs negation of the value: -value. Note: no space can be present before "value". (equivalent to NEG(value))
ISPRIME(value: Number): Number
Returns TRUE if value is prime, FALSE otherwise.
GCD(a: Number, b: Number): Number
Returns the greatest common divisor of a and b.
NOT(value: Boolean): Boolean
Performs logical NOT of the value: NOT(value). (equivalent to !value)
!(value: Boolean): Boolean
Performs logical NOT of the value: !value. (equivalent to NOT(value))
ABS(value: Number): Number
Returns the absolute value of the number: ABS(value).
ACOS(value: Number): Number
Returns the arc cosine (inverse cosine) of the number: ACOS(value).
ACOSH(value: Number): Number
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the number: ACOSH(value).
ASIN(value: Number): Number
Returns the arcsine of the number: ASIN(value).
ASINH(value: Number): Number
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the number: ASINH(value).
ATAN(value: Number): Number
Returns the arctangent of the number: ATAN(value).
ATAN2(y: Number, x: Number): Number
Returns the angle (radians) from the X-axis to a point, given a cartesian y-coordinate and x-coordinate: ATAN2(y, x).
ATANH(value: Number): Number
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the number: ATANH(value).
CUBEROOT(value: Number): Number
Returns an approximation of the cubed root of the number: CUBEROOT(value).
COS(value: Number): Number
Returns the cosine of the number: COS(value).
COSH(value: Number): Number
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the number: COSH(value).
EXP(value: Number): Number
Returns the natural logarithm (e) raised to this value: EXP(value).
LN(value: Number): Number
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of the number: LN(value).
LOG(value: Number): Number
Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number: LOG(value).
LOG2(value: Number): Number
Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number: LOG2(value).
SIN(value: Number): Number
Returns the sine of the number: SIN(value).
SINH(value: Number): Number
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the number: SINH(value).
SQRT(value: Number): Number
Returns the square root of the number: SQRT(value).
TAN(value: Number): Number
Returns the tangent of the number: TAN(value).
TANH(value: Number): Number
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the number: TANH(value).
DEGREES(radians: Number): Number
Performs a conversion of radians to degrees: DEGREES(radians).
RADIANS(degrees: Number): Number
Performs a conversion of radians to degrees: RADIANS(degrees).
CEIL(value: Number): Number
Returns the smallest integer greater-than or equal-to the number: CEIL(value).
FLOOR(value: Number): Number
Returns the greatest integer less-than or equal-to the number: CEIL(value).
ROUND(value: Number): Number
Returns the value rounded to the nearest integer: ROUND(value).
TRUNC(value: Number): Number
Returns the integral part of the number, truncating any fractional digits: TRUNC(value).
SIGN(value: Number): Number
Returns the sign of the value, indicating whether the number is positive (1) or negative (-1): SIGN(value).
ISNAN(value): Boolean
Returns TRUE if a value is not a number (e.g. the result of an invalid mathematical operation), otherwise returns FALSE: ISNAN(value).
IF(condition: Boolean, then, else): result
Tests the condition and returns the "then" value if the condition is TRUE, otherwise returns the "else" value: IF(condition, then, else).
AVERAGE(values: Array of Numbers): Number
Returns the average (mean) of an array of numbers. AVERAGE(array).
SUM(values: Array of Numbers): Number
Returns the sum of an array of numbers. SUM(array).
MIN(values: Array of Numbers): Number
Returns the minimum value in an array of numbers. MIN(array).
MAX(values: Array of Numbers): Number
Returns the maximum value in an array of numbers. MAX(array).
CHAR(code: Integer): String
Returns a single-character string with a unicode character representing the value of the given code. CHAR(code)
CODE(string: String): Integer
Returns the unicode value of the first character of a string: CODE(string)
UPPER(string: String): String
Converts a string to uppercase: UPPER(string).
LOWER(string: String): String
Converts a string to lowercase: LOWER(string).
DEC2BIN(decimal: Integer): binary: String
Returns a string of "1" and "0" characters representing the binary representation of the decimal value. DEC2BIN(decimal)
DEC2HEX(decimal: Integer): hex: String
Returns a string of characters representing the hexadecimal representation of the decimal value. DEC2HEX(decimal)
BIN2DEC(binary: String): decimal: Integer
Returns the base 10 value of a binary string of "1" and "0" characters. BIN2DEC(binary)
HEX2DEC(hex: String): decimal: Integer
Returns the base 10 value of a hexadecimal string. HEX2DEC(hex)
SORT(array: Array): Array
Returns a sorted array: SORT(array).
REVERSE(array: Array): Array
Returns a reversed array: REVERSE(array).
INDEX(array: Array, i: Integer): Value
Returns the value at the given array index: INDEX(array, i).
LENGTH(array: Array): Integer
Returns the length of an array: LENGTH(array).
JOIN(array: Array, separator: String): String
Joins each array element into a string, using a separator: JOIN(array, separator).
SPLIT(string: String, separator: String): Array
Splits a string into an array of characters, using a separator: SPLIT(string, separator).
STRING(array: Array): String
Converts an array into a string: STRING(array).
CHARARRAY(string: String): Array
Converts a string into an array of characters: CHARARRAY(string)
ARRAY(arguments...): Array
Converts arguments into an array: ARRAY(a, b, c, ...).
MAP(mapper: Reference, array: Array): Array
Performs a mapper function on each element of the array: MAP(mapper, array).
REDUCE(reducer: Reference, start, array: Array): Array
Performs a reducer function on each pair of array elements, using "start" as its starting value: REDUCE(reducer, array).
RANGE(start: Integer, limit: Integer): Array
Creates an array of integers, incrementing from start (included) to the limit (excluded): RANGE(start, limit)
ZIP(array1: Array, array2: Array): Array of [array1[i], array2[i]]
Combines two arrays into a single array of both values, paired at their respective position: ZIP(array1, array2)
UNZIP(array: Array of [a, b]): [Array of a, Array of b]
Splits a single array of pairs into two arrays with values at their respective positions: UNZIP(array)
TAKE(n: Integer): Array
Takes the first n values from the array: TAKE(n, array)
DROP(n: Integer): Array
Drops the first n values from the array: DROP(n, array)
SLICE(startIndex: Integer, limitIndex: Integer): Array
Slices an array from startIndex to (but not including) limitIndex: SLICE(startIndex, limitIndex, array)
CONCAT(array1: Array, array2: Array): Array
Concatenates two arrays into one: CONCAT(array1, array2)
HEAD(array: Array): Value
Retrieves the first element of an array: HEAD(array)
TAIL(array: Array): Array
Returns the array without the first element: TAIL(array)
LAST(array: Array): Value
Retrieves the last element of an array: HEAD(array)
CONS(head: Value, array: Array): Array
Returns an array with a new value at the first position: CONS(head, array)
FILTER(filter: Reference, array: Array): Array
Returns an array of all elements for which 'filter(element)' returns true: FILTER(filter, array).
TAKEWHILE(check: Reference, array: Array): Array
Returns a new array of all elements up until 'check(element)' returns false: TAKEWHILE(check, array).
DROPWHILE(check: Reference, array: Array): Array
Returns a new array skipping all elements up until 'check(element)' returns false: DROPWHILE(check, array).
GET(key: String, dict: Dictionary): Value
Retrieves the value of the associated key in a dictionary: GET(key, dict)
PUT(key: String, value: Value, dict: Dictionary): Dictionary
Returns a dictionary with the key set to a new value: PUT(key, value, dict)
DICT(keys: Array, values: Array): Dictionary
Constructs a new dictionary out of an array of keys and a corresponding array of values: DICT(keys, values)
UNZIPDICT(keyValuePairs: Array): Dictionary
Constructs a new dictionary out of an array of [key, value] pairs: UNZIPDICT(keyValuePairs)
KEYS(dict: Dictionary): Array
Returns all the keys of a dictionary in alphabetical order: KEYS(dict)
VALUES(dict: Dictionary): Array
Returns all the values of a dictionary, in alphabetical order of their keys: VALUES(dict)
[arguments...]: Array
Converts arguments into an array: [a, b, c, ...].